Lesson 71

Revelation  - Study of Things to Come

The Eternal State Chapter 22





Detail study of 22:6-21 The Last Great Message of the Book

1. 22:6-7 Reminded of the Certainty of the Blessed Hope!  The Return of Jesus Christ

Vs:6 Nature of Scripture:

The nature of scripture is faithful and true.

- faithful; pisto,j  relates the word to truth; to facts

- true;  avlhqino,j  genuine, reliable, relates the word to reality;


Why is this reminder needed?  Why do we need to be reminded of the factuality, dependability and reality of the Word of God?

#1  Because the nature of some of the things revealed are so unusual and unique; not anything like our own present experience!



#2  Because we live in bondage to routine events!



There is a spin-off or logical extension of "these words are faithful and true"  and that is this:

If we know the words of Scripture which are faithful and true; Then we also have a window into the character of Christ. 19:11


This final message, Epilogue, places great honor on the word.

- vs:16;  vs:18-19  points to the importance and tremendous honor placed on the word of God.



What's in view is this, the same God who communicated thru the prophets the message of OT. is the same God who communicated His message through His messenger to John.  Look at 1:1


- This book is intended to be an eye-opener; for those of you who have been faithful in the study of this book; believe you should have found it to be just that.


22:7 The hope of the return of Christ is emphasized.

"coming quickly"  tacu,  indicates that when the events begin they will go quickly, that there will not be any unnecessary delay; not that they are soon from the standpoint of John.


A special blessing for one of the most neglected and most often misinterpreted books of the Bible, Why??


2. The True object of Worship - a reminder. 22:8-9

The totality of what John has been shown in these visions has for the second time struck him with awe, he's overwhelmed!


- Notice it doesn't say that he actually worshiped the angel, but that he fell prostrate before him preparing to do so!


* Point: Don't let the awesomeness of the events take you away from the true object of worship, God!  Only one worthy!



3. The Nature of the Book of Revelation  22:10

It is an open book, it is to remain open;  it is to be studied, it is to be taught, it is to be proclaimed because it is an open book.



- Rem: There is a sense in which the church age is considered a part of the time of the end. 1 Jn 2:18; 1 Cor 10:11


4. A Reminder of the Eternal State of Men!  22:11

- The warning in the final phrase of vs:10 adds a note of extreme urgency; "for the time is near."


- Verse 11 makes a strong statement to the effect that by what character man enters eternity, he will remain eternally.

William Newell  commenting on this verse addresses the use of the aorist tense here saying "it indicates the choice of man's life, his whole life, viewed as a whole, so that we find in Revelation 22:11 those who have made the final choice of unrighteousness and are living in it."


5. Reminder of the Justice of God at His return! 22:12

First a reminder of the Hope of His return; vs:7;


It lends a sense of urgency to the message of the book; and an air of expectancy.


Secondly; There is a strong emphasis on Justice at the return of Christ. Why is this an important reminder for us today?


No!!  We're living in the time of God's great patience, His longsuffering.  Therefore we need to be reminded that a day of Justice is coming!



For C/A saints =

For Israel and the nations =

For the wicked dead


The communicator of the Word, the P/T must also be bound as this angel is, to only communicate what is in the Word. 


6. Reminder of the Character of Christ 22:13

The Emphasis is on the fact that Christ is creator and consummator!

This is taught 3 ways:

1. alpha and omega;  1:8; 21:6; 22:13

2. first and the last; 1:11,17; 2:8; 22:13

3. beginning and the end;  1:8; 21:6 22:13



Points to the fact the Christ is the only celebrity and the one we should be focused on.