Lesson 70

Revelation  - Study of Things to Come

The Eternal State Chapter 22


Intro: So far in chapter 21, John was shown a new order of things.




7. Access to the City  21:25-27 

Gates are entrances/access not barriers.



The saints are categorized into several groups:

#1 church age saints;

#2 saints of Israel;

#3 saints out of the nations, ethnos or goim; the gentile peoples;


Verse 27 reiterates that the inhabitants of this city will only be those whose names were written in the Lamb's book of life.


The inhabitants of the eternal city will be characterized by eternal life and absolute moral purity.


8. The River of Life  22:1


We find here that they both are on the Throne.    


This water of life and its presence in the city simply means that fullness of spiritual life will be the experience of all those who inhabit it. 


Note: The use of Water is very appropriate to symbolize the fullness or completeness of our eternal life! The consummation of our Salvation.


Its associated with the initiation of salvation, our beginning.

Passages: Jn 3:5; 4:13-14; 7:38-39; Titus 3:5-8


We know that Salvation is complete the moment you believe in Christ;

But many aspects of our salvation are yet future; yet to be fulfilled!


9. The tree of Life  22:2

The tree of life is also an assurance of the fullness of life in eternity.


It speaks of the reality of eternal life, sharing the life of Christ; and maximum blessing and capacity for life we will experience in eternity!


This aspect of the capacity for life is seen in the use of this phrase "tree of life" in Prov. 3:18; 11:30;


That it produces fruit constantly, indicates the continuous blessing that will be present in eternity.


** It was Adam's sin that brought the curse upon the human race, including death, disease, and sickness;

The fact that there is no more curse, indicates that there is no more need of healing but only of enjoyment of life in eternity, for which the fruit and the leaves of the tree of life is designed.



Note: Some try to use these first 2 verses to tie this passage to the millennium and not to the eternal state; There are some similarities;


10. Presence of God and fellowship with Him  22:3-5

This reiterates that God the Father and the Lamb, Jesus Christ will be present in the city; 21:3; 21:11a "the glory of God" is there.


"shall serve" = latreu,w is used in every case of serving in a religious sense; or to worship


22:4-5 Face-to-face fellowship 

One of the great blessings of eternity will be the privilege of seeing God face to face and to be identified with Him;


An inscribed name indicates identification and ownership.


- Christ continues for all eternity as King of kings and Lord of lords even though the scene of His rule has changed from earth to the New heavens and earth.

- "and they shall reign forever and ever"  one question; Who is the "they"?  Answer in vs:3 = bond-servants = the saints.


22:6-21  The Last  Message of the Bible

This message revolves around 4 great categories of truth.

    #1. Reminders;  (primary) 

    #2. Assurances;

    #3. Warnings;

    #4. Distinctions; 



#1. Reminders; Should find 11 things that John has already taught.


#2. Assurances; 22:7,12,20 Have a triple assurance in this last chapter of the fact of His return; giving assurance of that.


#3. Warnings;  22:8-9; previous warning 19:10; +


#4. Distinctions;  22:11  makes a distinction between 2 categories of people.


Because of the extent of repetition that is here; not really new material; why the repetition??  This review pattern is common in Scripture as a whole!

#1. To aid in learning;  it takes repetition to firmly plant the truth;


#2. To make a strong emphasis. Think underlining; or Boldface type!


#3. To facilitate memory.  Why only observe the Lord's table once??


Detail study of 22:6-21 of the reminders, assurances, warnings and distinctions.

1. 22:6-7 Reminded of the Certainty of the Blessed Hope!  The Return of Jesus Christ

Vs:6 Nature of Scripture:

The nature of scripture is faithful and true.

- faithful; pisto,j  relates the word to truth; to facts

- true;  avlhqino,j  genuine, reliable, relates the word to reality;


Why is this reminder needed?  Why do we need to be reminded of the factuality, dependability and reality of the Word of God?

#1  Because the nature of some of the things revealed are so unusual and unique; not anything like our own present experience!



#2  Because we live in bondage to routine events!



There is a spin-off or logical extension of "these words are faithful and true"  and that is this:

If we know the words of Scripture which are faithful and true; Then we also have a window into the character of Christ. 19:11


This final message, Epilogue, places great honor on the word.

- vs:16;  vs:18-19  points to the importance and tremendous honor placed on the word of God.



What's in view is this, the same God who communicated thru the prophets the message of OT. is the same God who communicated His message through His messenger to John.  Look at 1:1


- This book is intended to be an eye-opener; for those of you who have been faithful in the study of this book; believe you should have found it to be just that.