Lesson 60

Revelation  - Study of Things to Come

The Return of Christ - Chapter 19



Rev 19:14 His entourage; the armies coming with Him!


That the Lord comes with these hosts, is the subject of prophecy.

5 people speak of this;

#1 Enoch  Jude 14-15  "many thousands of His holy ones"


#2 Zechariah  14:5  "all His holy ones with Him"


#3 Paul  1 Thes 3:13  "with all His saints." also Col 3:4


#4 Jesus  Mt 16:27; 25:31 "with His angels/messengers"


- Since The 70th Week of Daniel is not over until Christ has returned to earth, so at this point the OT saints have not yet been resurrected (Dan. 12:2). Therefore, they are not a part of the army which rides forth.


- One observation: What are they wearing? 


The commander-in-chief, the rider on the white horse will do all the fighting.   That's the subject of vs:15


Rev 19:15-16  The Means of Judgment and His Authority

- "And from His mouth comes a sharp sword,"  r`omfai,a ovxu,j,  a large broad sword; a long Thracian sword;  this sword is a killing sword 


- I think it is significant that this sword is associated with His mouth.  "out from (ek) His mouth" 


Point is: In creation it was the word of God as it was in the judgment of the flood and it is the same word that will judge and destroy rebellious man upon His return.



That He will smite the nations with the sword proceeding out of His mouth is a necessary prerequisite to His establishing His rule.


The nature of His rule is that it will be with a rod of iron;

- "will rule"  =  poimai,nw;  to shepherd;  to govern


- What does this refer to? 

- The rule of Christ will be absolute, unyielding rule or government, under which men are required to conform to the righteous standards of God.

- His rule is not a democracy but an absolute monarchy (theocracy).

- The reign of Christ will be a strict one, and the righteous and just laws emanating from Jerusalem will have to be obeyed.



- Don't miss the importance of the use of  poimai,nw, it also indicates His provision, protection, and care of His own during His rule.


REV 19:16   The third name of Christ in the context;

- The name that indicates His ascension to the position and authority given to Him by the Father. Dan 7:14


- Christ will be established in that day for what He truly is, King above all kings and Lord above all lords.


#2  19:17-21  His Conquest (an expansion of "He wages war")

- Christ the righteous warrior!


- covered also in 16:13-16; there we saw the gathering of the nations for this great campaign; beast & F/P used demons performing great signs to persuade the nations to assemble for this war!


* Note: This a day that is prophesied of many times!

- Ps 110:5-6;  Jer 25:30-31;  Zeph 1:17-18;  3:8;  Zech 12:3,9,11



a. The Carnage  19:17-18 

- Why is this judgment called a great supper?? 



- Make no mistake,  all have had an opportunity to respond to grace, to take part in the great feast, the marriage supper of the Lamb;  and instead will become themselves a part of the great supper of God!


- The word flesh appears 5 times here; They have chosen to live pursuing the lusts of the flesh, their sin nature, and now the day of His         patience is over and their flesh is to be consumed!