Lesson 57

Revelation  - Study of Things to Come

The Return of Christ - Chapter 19


2. Marriage feast       19:7-10  


This is an important event at which you and I will participate.



All believers from the day of Pentecost until the Rapture make up this "bride of Christ."  All who are "in Christ."

1. The Marriage Announced  19:7-8

2. The Marriage Supper (its participants) 19:9-10

- 2 separate events that must not be confused or merged.

- the first, marriage takes place in heaven; the supper/feast takes place on the earth,


1. The Announcement  19:7-8

- Time characterized by great rejoicing and joy!



* Who is the bridegroom?? 





* Who is the Bride? 










The Church as the BRIDE:


 1. Scripture: 2 Cor. 11:2; Rev 21:9;  Eph 5:23-32 (main); 

 2. This relationship is one of the Mystery doctrines;  Eph 5:32.

- Speaks of one of the special relationships that believers in the C/A have to Christ that is absolutely unique.



3. The first implication: Infinite love of the bridegroom for the bride. 

a. As the God/Man His love is perfect that is complete and infinite. 

b. His love necessitated an overt act which demonstrated that love.

c. Such love is best illustrated and portrayed by Divine Institution of marriage. 


d. His love is amazing in the light of: 

1) The infinite distance between the lover and the beloved Eph 2:4,5  "dead

2) The inherent sinfulness of the beloved - Eph 2:1-3.  (status of all before salvation.)

3) The lack of the beloved's ability to benefit the lover in any way

- 1 Jn  4:10,19. 


e. Such love demands a love response as seen in the prayer of Paul in Eph  3:16-19.  (learning - growing  - application) 


f. It is related to obedience: If you love Me, keep My commandments;  Jn 14:15,21,23,24;


g. Such love is also commanded to be directed towards other believers:  Jn 15:12,17; 1 Thes 4:9; 1 Pet 1:22; 1 Jn 3:11,23; 4:7,11. (only        possible when empowered by the Holy Spirit)


h. Greater love then His is impossible - Jn 15:13; Rom 5:8.


4. Second implication: The exalted position of the bride. 

a. Background is the three stages of an oriental marriage (Edershiem) 

1) The betrothal: legally binding covenant is made;

add - 1a) The preparation period; getting things in order part of what is involved in rev 19:7b "has made herself ready" 

2) The coming of the Bridegroom to claim the bride;

3) Wedding supper or feast. usually lasted 7-14 days.


b. Christ purchased the church with His own "blood", dowry, therefore the Church is espoused to Him - Acts 20:28; 2 Cor 11:2.


c. Duration of the espousal period, no given length, is parallel to the history of the Church age.


d. The bride groom then came from the father's house usually at night wearing his good clothes and accompanied by friends and took her to his house for the wedding. Jn 14:3.


e. The presentation of the bride to the Father's house - heaven - is fulfilled at the rapture. 1 Thess 4:15-18. 


f. In Eph 5:27 Paul describes the glorified bride as being without spot or wrinkle (no sin nature) and no overt defects (human good) anything       obnoxious to the plan of God but conformed to His glorified humanity. also  1 Jn 3:2


g. The glory of the groom shines thru the Church for all generations for ever and ever. Eph 3:20-21. 


h. The Church is made ready for the wedding at the JSC.  2 Cor 5:10; 4:5; 1 Cor 3:8


i. The wedding ceremony takes place in heaven but the wedding feast takes place on the earth.  Rev 19:9; Mt 22:1-14; Lk 14:16-24; Mt 25:1-13.


j. The bride metaphor exalts the Church-age Saints to the highest imaginable position. 


Marriage of the Lamb - Christ & church

Why is the relationship of believers and Christ expressed as a marriage?



What then is the meaning conveyed by the Lamb marrying the church?  


#1 The point of commitment is the betrothal; 



* So important was the betrothal that if it was broken off, it necessitated a formal divorce.


#2  Preparation for the wedding;  period between the commitment and the consummation!



#1 for the church as a body; corporate

?? How well has the whole body of the church been doing as to prep.


#2 Individually from the time we believe in Christ until the wedding.

This is a time of growing and maturing to fill your niche in the POG and to prepare for the wedding.

Do not want there to be an blot on the brides dress.


#3 Presentation;  Bride and groom brought together;  Rapture of the church


#4 Celebration; wedding feast with guests.