Lesson 46

                                    Revelation  - Study of Things to Come       

                                        Revelation Chapter 15

                              Introduction to the Final Judgment


Vs:3-4 do give us the words of a great song of praise;

- One that is totally theo-centric;  Specifically revealing Christ!

Great and marvelous are Thy works,



- There are 3 characteristics emphasized:

1. Righteousness; 3 times this one is emphasized;

a. di,kaioj = right, just, corresponding to a divine standard;  here the fact that He is righteous/just is observed in His ways.


b. "For thou alone art holy;"  o[sioj  indicates an absence of any defilement of sin; free from wickedness; th4 pure, holy (syn. agioj)


c. "For thy righteous acts have been revealed." dikai,wma  indicates that what is done, ones acts, conforms to the +R std.


Why the importance of +R? Why the focus on +R at this juncture of history?

- It is especially relevant when we consider the wider context!



2. OmPo  "the Almighty;"  pantokra,twr (9 of 10 times used,  in Rev)

describes God as Omnipotent, speaks to His supremacy over all things.


3. true   avlhqino,j  in LXX for tma  describes what is true in the sense of real, genuine; that which is true can be counted on, its reliable, its trustworthy



avlhqino,j  says; If God said this; has revealed the consequences of rejection then that is exactly what will occur


All of these characteristics are important in keeping a proper perspective, not only for us as we consider the events leading up to and surrounding the return of our Lord.


The Beast thinks he's won the victory, in overcoming the saints, but in actuality he is sending them to their eternal destiny with their Lord.              1 Cor 15:55-57



There is also another important aspect of Christ emphasized in this hymn; His office as king; He has the sovereign right to rule the nations, peoples.  "Thou King of the nations."




In this theo-centric hymn where is man?  Or is he anywhere?    Man is here and is responsible to respond to the revelation of Christ.


- Vs:4 Speaks prophetically of a theme that also runs throughout the prophets;  it speaks of a time when all the earth, all the peoples will worship the one true God.

- Ps 2:8-9;  Zeph 2:11;  Zech 14:9;



15:5-8  Source of the Final Judgment 

"After these things I looked,"  introduces us to the next vision that is revealed to John; a very dramatic scene also in heaven.


- What is associated with the Holy of Holies?

     #1. Ark of the covenant; it was there that Moses placed the "tablets of testimony"  Ex 32:15.


     #2. The functional presence, relational presence of God with His people.

- many passages also call the whole tabernacle the "tabernacle of testimony"  [Nu 1:50,53; 9:15; 10:11; 17:7,8; 18:2]


The testimony is that He is always faithful to who He is, His essence.

Whatever He does, whoever He relates to; must be consistent with His +R/J.

15:6  What John sees coming out of the temple; coming from the presence of God; the 7 angels!

These 7 angels, messengers of God's wrath; the fact that they are coming from the very presence of God says that the upcoming wrath poured out in the closing judgments of the Great Tribulation are from God!



15:7 We discover how these angels acquired the bowls or vials of wrath.

- receive from one of the 4 "living beings" that we first met in 4:6  Cherubim; who were closest to the throne; therefore to God; constantly praising God.


15:8 Something happens as the bowls are given to the 7 angels.


Not just ordinary smoke; but it is smoke that comes from the source of God; His glory and His power, omPo, (du,namai)


The scene here is similar to what Moses experienced,  Ex 40:34-35


Is there value in Knowing future things??   (digression)


Jesus in the context of John 13-16 gives us some principles we need to know!


In these predictions of ch 14, 15, 16 there is interwoven with the What is going to occur, we also find the WHY.


From this we can pick up some principles regarding the importance of knowing and understanding future events.


So the #1 reason = To provide for stability in one's life!


*** Need to remember:  Knowledge of Scripture does not always have an immediate use or application.  16:4 makes that point!


#2. To confirm our faith!

    - Look at 14:29   may believe, confirm your faith in what you've been taught.


#3. Knowledge of future things has a purpose of giving us perspective.