Lesson 36

                                Revelation Chapter Thirteen                      

                       The Rise and reign of the Beasts!                 




1 Ths 2:10  Here we see the deception; the impact of the Lawless one!


Paul very abruptly shifts from focusing on the person and work of the lawless one to those who follow him.



How are they deceived?

- "because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved." 


The result is deception!  Moving away from truth always leads to self deception, being deluded.


Literally, “because the love of the truth they did not welcome



With the ultimate result being deception!  Moving away from truth always leads to self deception, being deluded. True for believers also!


Mankind then is set up and prepared for the coming of the beast thru their indifference, apathy, and open rejection of the word of truth.  Its failure to love the truth.


<2:11-12> The Great Deception; Consequences of rejection of Truth!

"And for this reason"  draws a conclusion from the previous verse, which shows that God's judgment of the UB'r is not capricious, or arbitrary; but is the direct result of their own rejection of the Truth. 


"The lie" tw/| yeu,dei not just any lie or false hood but the lie of lies;

- The lie is that man is his own God and therefore can do whatever he pleases and better himself by his own human efforts.

** Man is made in the image of God and today man is making God in his own image.


Again, we are brought face to face with the root issue of man’s unbelief. It’s man’s inherent desire to live in unrighteousness. To reject the light given.


  *** To have rejected truth brings one to be defenseless toward error.


<13:3>  The Acclaim of the Beast

- "one of his heads"  The beast here is the seventh head; 17:10


- Many good expositors see the empire here that the GWD represents;


They picture the Empire's demise as the result of a fatal wound;  and the revival of the Empire in the Tribulation as similar to the revival of a dead person.


- This is neat and tidy but there is a problem with this.

- look at vs:12;  Who is the one being worshiped? The empire or the ruler?


- Let's examine the statement that is made here Read 13:3

"plague of death"    15 x's its used in Revelation; 6 x's in the rest of N.T.  outside  of Rev its used of beatings, even of official flogging;  2 Cor 11:23


In Rev ch 9 (2), 15 (3), 16 (3), 18 (2), 21:9; 22:18 

All of these are translated plagues; as result of divinely inflicted judgment!


What's the point?? 

As powerful as Satan is, still his man mortally wounded, wounded so severely that it should have ended his rule?


Believe it goes to the impact that this event will have on the people!


If God empowered the saints to do so in order to fulfill His purposes, why couldn't He do the same in allowing Satan to deceive those who had pleasure in unrighteousness during this time (2Th. 2:11-12)?

"and the whole earth was amazed and they followed after the beast."


- This event motivates them in a direction that has been the goal of Satan since his first fall! To be worshipped!


<13:4>  Result of the astonishment!  And the wonder!

- Worship of the dragon and of the beast!


#1 of the Dragon;

It has been his objective since his fall to receive worship, honor and the glory that belongs to God Himself. (Isa 14:14)


The hook, the catch for Satan is that his offer included a bypass of the cross!



What do these worshipers know?

They know where the beast gets his power and authority to rule!


#2 They also worshiped the beast! Satan's man on the scene.


They ascribe worth and value primarily in 2 areas!  This is Worship!

a. His uniqueness;  "Who is like the beast"; who has the same character; qhri,on; beast; 


Isaiah asks a question in 40:18 "To whom then will you liken God?


b. His power and strength; "who is able to wage war with the beast?"


The strong implication is that obviously no one has the power and ability that this man has! He's invincible!


The answer to the question "Who is able to wage war with him, to stand against him we will find is given in ch-19.


What we have here in vs:4 also is an indication of the religion of the period. Idolatry taking the form of worship of man, as the overt, but the reality behind it is Satan! 

- behind idolatry is always demon activity, 1 Cor 10:20, behind the demons is the boss, Satan, as indicated here.