Ch 1                                   Rapture                               Return of

         7 Churches  Ch 2-3          4:1                               Christ ch 19                      New Heaven

                                                             Trib ch 6-19                     Millenium ch 20     & New Earth

                                          Vision of                                          Reign of Christ

                                         Throne ch 4-5                                    1000 years              ch 21-22 


                                                                            Revelation Chapter 11                                       Lesson 31

                                                     The Temple; The Two Witnesses;  And the Trumpet!           


> 11:10 Effect of their death - Great Celebration!

- They are so overjoyed by the death of their tormentors that it becomes a holiday!


- Had the people believed their witness and received their message the effect of their death would have been much different!


- "those who dwell on the earth"  describes those whose life's treasures are all earthly; whose only hope is wrapped up in the earth, therefore man and what man can provide


** You can destroy the messenger but you cannot destroy the truth!


Ø      11:11-13  Their translation;  God intervenes! His power once again demonstrated


- 3 1/2 days into the celebration; A very startling event occurs.


- Can imagine the shock and fear in their eyes when these 2 stand up;


- Their shock increases as they next see these 2 go up into the cloud which transported them into heaven.


- 11:13 Immediately they had something else to cause them fear! 


- "and the rest were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven."


- The phrase  God of heaven  is commonly used in OT to distinguish the true God from pagan deities.

- What is in view here is that they recognize the power of the God of Heaven


Ø      This is the end of the parenthesis which started at 10:1

- 11:14 actually in sequence time wise picks up after 9:21


- note on "quickly"  tacu,  adverb that says that when the events begin there will be rapidity of completion. No more delays.


Ø      11:15-19   The Trumpet and Christ's Reign


- What is happening here? Immediately the action is fast forwarded to the return and reign of Christ!


The Theme at this point is the earthly rule passes from man to God!   

That this would occur is a major theme of OT prophets!

The fact of seen in:  Isa 2:1-4;  Dan 2:35,44; Zech 14:9

It is eternal:  Dan 4:3; 6:26

The right to reign announced and given:  Dan 7:14, 26-27


Prediction of Daniel                                             Fulfillment of Revelation


1. God's rule ENDS man's rule   Dan 2:44             Fulfillment seen in Rev 11:17

    (human rule terminated by divine)   


2. Before this occurs there will be                         Fulfillment Rev 11:18

   an individual on the scene; very      

   destructive; the destruction of       

   the destroyer;   Dan 9:27       


3. Reign of Christ follows the rule                      Same sequence in Rev 11

    designated as the beast.  Dan 7:14                vs:7 the beast; vs:15 God's rule in Christ


4. The reign of God's kingdom involves              11:15 "our Lord and His Christ"

    two individuals. God/F & God/Son.     

    Dan 7:9,13                             


Ø      11:16 - 17  Worship of the 24 Elders

The 24 elders are representatives from the church; who are enthroned;  wear white; are crowned


- Several characteristics of God are emphasized here:

"almighty" =  pantokra,twr  stresses God's supremacy over all things; 

"great power" = du,namij me,gaj  He has the ability to carry out His plan;   

"who are and who was"  =  eternality of the one assuming rulership.

- "because thou hast taken"  (perfect act ind lamba,nw) says that His kingdom will exist for eternity.


Ø      Transition from rule of man to the rule of Christ! 11:18

- 1st we see the response of the nations, the peoples of the world. 


- We also have reference to the judgment at His return spoken of in Mt 25.




Ø      11:19  Glimpse of the Ark

- That there is an ark in heaven should not be a surprise, since the tabernacle was constructed after a pattern of things in the heavens  (Heb 9:23).



Here just before the outpouring of the final judgment, is a reminder of God's faithfulness to His own people.