Revelation Chapter 8                                     Lesson 20

Opening of the Trumpet Judgments




Detail of the Trumpet Judgments.

Trumpet #1 -  8:7  Judgment of Vegetation  

- hail and fire are the instruments used; 


Devastating impact on world's food supply; 




Trumpet #2  8:8-9  Seas/marine life  Read

- First thing we need to note here is that we have symbolic or figurative language used here. 


- The consequences are extensive; death of sea life, and of humanity;   great economic impact; as well as ecological.



Trumpet #3    8:10-11  Hydrology; drinking water

- This is similar to the 2nd; But the mass falling from heaven is said to be a "great star" that is "blazing like a torch"


- Most likely we have here an asteroid, or meteor type of body and as it enters the earth's atmosphere it's going to burn, thus the statement blazing like a torch.



- This star is named "wormwood"; the name of a desert plant that is bitter, intoxicating and poisonous.


In the O.T. wormwood is used to indicate bitterness and suffering especially associated with judgment; Dt 29:18; Prov 5:4; Jer 9:15;  23:15; Lam 3:15,19; Amos 5:7




- The result/Impact: 8:11b "many men died" from what is basically a contamination of 1/3 of the worlds drinking water.

**  Must rem: all of these events/judgments are divinely controlled events!



**  What we need to remember is that the Creator God may suspend, modify, add to any of His own laws that He created in the first place.


Observations on the one-third [1/3]

1. The repeated statements of the impact of the judgment is on 1/3 of these differing categories says that there is control; indicates that God is in control; this is not random. 


2.  The 1/3 says that God's grace is still available!


3.  Man is not as he supposes master of his environment; he is also not master of his destiny.



Trumpet #4  - 8:12  The first 3 judgments are related to the land, sea, rivers and fountains of water; while the 4th trumpet shifts to the heavens. 

-  here we have a change in the normal pattern of light and darkness, the mix which we call day and night; its disrupted.



- Whether this is caused by an eclipse or some other means is pure speculation;



To doubt the credibility of what we're seeing in these trumpet judgments or those to follow is to doubt the credibility of Jesus himself.


8:13  At this point John saw a remarkable sight an unusual messenger with a frightening warning!   Verse 13 marks a break between the first 4 and the last 3 trumpets.


-  Who is the focus here of these woes?  "those who dwell on the earth"


- What have we seen so far with these first 4 trumpet judgments? 

What is it that God is judging?



1. Are not all of these blessings things that we take for granted?


2. These are all blessings in the category of common grace; given to all men irrespective of how they are related to Him spiritually.



3. These blessings (of common grace) are invested with 2 things: a msg and a responsibility.





Verse 13 is like the headlines for the next three judgments with ch-9 being the content of the article. It’s the preface to the next 3 judgments.  


So far all of the judgments have come in the sphere of the material seen world. 



The progression is seen in 2 areas.

#1  In severity:  from the seals      -> trumpets        -> bowls   (increasingly severe)

#2  Extent:               limited           ->   1/3               -> whole world



This progression and intensifying of judgment tells us something about God.

- That He desires their salvation not damnation;



Man at this time is insensitive to judgment. This insensitivity Increases as time progresses to the end of the Trib.  6:16; 16:9