Lesson 15 -16 -17 March 9,12 2003

The Church at Pergamum (2:12-17)

The Church of Compromise - Being wedded to the World





This is the only church where its location is pointed out as significant.

One of the reasons appears to be linked to the fact that Pergamum was at this time the center for four major pagan idolatrous cults.

#1 Zeus

#2 Asklepios

#3 Athena

#4 Dionysius

From the viewpoint of Christ as He evaluated this church in Pergamum, from His viewpoint, they were Satanic!

Background of the time!

What about believers in the Roman Empire?

What could they do or not do without incurring the wrath of the State?

#1 In the Roman empire you had freedom to worship any god you chose!

#2 However there was a catch, a condition imposed!

#3 Failure to do so, was considered rebellion against the State!

#4 The extent of this Caesar worship, the involvement required was not much!

#5 To say that the Caesar is kurios, that he is lord, and master was for the Christian a denial of Christ as lord and master; they understood that.

** The point that Christ makes here with His evaluation of Pergamum as the place where Satan's throne was is the same point that Paul made in 1 Cor 10:20.

1. The Sender of the Letter 2:12

"The one who has the sharp two-edged sword says this:..."

- another snap shot of Christ out of the vision John had of Him in Ch 1:16.


** So what is Christ saying to the church at Pergamum? They may have the sword but I have "The Sword."


Next The Message 2:13-17

2. Commendation 2:13

#1 First thing Christ says is that I know your environment, your niche!

"I know where you dwell, where Satan's throne is."


In Rome they worshiped the Emperor, Caesar. In effect what they were doing was to deify man!

What is the result of deifying man?

What about the Tribulation period?



* No matter where you are, no matter what the environment is, you are responsible to maintain your faithfulness to Him and His word!


#2 The second thing that Christ knows is that they did not deny My Faith!

"and you hold fast My name, and did not deny My faith, "


- What was it that they were holding so tenaciously on to??

#1 "My name"

#2 "did not deny My faith,"


Faith - General Uses of in Scripture

1. The Faith as the body of truth, the complete revelation of God in the Canon of Scripture. 1 Tim 4:1; Jude 1:3;

2. The Faith as the content of what is believed, what is in you of that body of truth. Eph 3:17; 1 Cor 16:13; 2 Ths 3:2

3. Saving Faith; specific; where the context and emphasis is on the object of faith for salvation, Jesus Christ.

Christ is the only object Jn 1:12; 20:31; John 3:15-18; 36; 5:24; 6:29

4. Blending of an emphasis on Hearing; believing; applying Heb 4:2; Gal 3:1-5; Eph. 1:13.

5. Misplaced Faith; wrong object! false criterion;

- Mt 3:9 Jews believed in heritage from Abraham; Jn. 8:31-45

- Jn 5:37-40 Scribes, Pharisees; thought a knowledge scripture was sufficient; reject the one who the scriptures point to.

- 1 Cor. 2:4-5 Not on the wisdom of man; the philosophy of man.

- 2 Ths. 2:11 In the trib they will believe the false, The msg of the Anti-Christ.

- 1 John 4:1 test the read out against the std of the WOG before believing what is heard;


** Particular commendation!

"even in the days of Antipas, My witness, My faithful one, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells."

- Who is this Antipas??

- We do know that he stood solid against the challenge of his faith.



3. Condemnation - Rebuke for Compromise

2:14 gives us the first problem

The church at Pergamum was complacent, they tolerated evil, and false teaching!


What is the teaching of Balaam? (name means destroyer of people)

3 Times in the N.T. Balaam is mentioned.

The 2 others are 2 Pet 2:15 and Jude 11

Account of Balaam is found in Numb 22-25








The sin in Pergamum, just as that of Balaam was the compromise of truth, either to avoid suffering or to achieve monetary success.

By doing that they were committing spiritual adultery, they were unfaithful to the Lord.


2:15 we find here the 2nd area of false doctrine.

Pergamum here is condemned for holding to what the Ephesian church had rejected.


The Nicolaitans; 2 views.

#1 comes from the word itself in the Greek; Nikolai?tw/n



#2 Others after evaluating the writings of some of the early church fathers, have concluded that this term refers to a licentious sect founded by a Nicholas, one of the first deacons of Acts 6, who advocating complete freedom in Christian conduct including participation in heathen feasts and free love.


** What about the historical implications??










4. Exhortation Warning! 2:16

"Repent therefore; or else I am coming to you quickly, and I will make war against them with the sword of My mouth."

This strong command to repent has a note of urgency, shows Christ's intense concern regarding false teaching that is infiltrating and defiling the church, His body.

Implication is that even the faithful, who did not buy into these false teachings were tolerating them.

The consequence for failure to repent!

Christ will come to you quickly, to you, singular = the church

He comes to the church but I will make war, will judge "them" those who are holding fast, tenaciously to the false teaching, and fail to repent.

How? "with the sword of My mouth."


The apostasy, moving away from truth, the mixing of error with truth, the blurring of distinctions that began here in Pergamum will reach its maturation in the future apostate church that is found in Rev 17; which ultimately will be brought into divine judgment by Christ, the Head of the Church, this will all happen in the Tribulation.



5. The Promise! 2:17

The promise to the over comer, the believer at this point is in 3 parts.

#1 "hidden manna"

"eating" pictures believing. John 6:30-33; 47-51;

- The promise here is for "hidden manna"; speaks of being hidden from unbelievers, not the overcomer;

** Implication: Just as the manna given to Israel in the desert gave them physical sustenance, in a time of great stress.

** Specific Application: The hidden manna indicates the sufficiency of Christ in contrast to the allurements that compromise with the kosmos offer.


#2/3 "and I will give him a white stone and a new name written on the stone which no one knows but he who receives it."

2 Possible interpretations:

#1 In the ancient world the judge had a vase and he had 2 stones, one black and one white.

If the verdict was acquittal, the white one was placed in the vase. If guilty then the black stone was put in the vase.

Here since he's talking about the overcomer, the believer, the white stone says your acquitted, justified, speaks of judicial vindication.

#2 The Romans had a stone of friendship, that was inscribed, with a name, a greeting, it was given to mark a special relationship!

Christ is saying to the believer, look if you pay attention to My word, hear the message of the Spirit, live it; we can have a special relationship, fellowship in time; with the white stone being given to indicate that relationship!

** Because it is an inscribed stone the 2nd interpretation fits the context better.