Lesson 4 January 5, 2003

Then follows some descriptive characteristics of the ministry of Jesus Christ.

* First characteristic: "faithful witness"

- The book of Revelation is marked by end time events; and during that time many of the faithful, holding to the truth will die. Martyrs for the faith.

- For Christ, a faithful witness to what??

- The book of Revelation is marked by end time events; and during that time many of the faithful, holding to the truth will die. Will become Martyrs for the faith.

* Second characteristic = "first born of the dead"

- word firstborn has nothing to do with time; prwto,tokoj has to do with rank, pre-imminence.

- Look at some passages that teach the principle:

most basic Ps 89:27 (LXX); Rom 8:29; Col 1:15,18

* Third, The perfect king; "ruler of the kings of the earth" is yet future!

- One of the questions that Revelation deals with is "Who will rule??" Satan through man or God by Christ.

d. Doxology 1:5b

Having focused on the Person of Christ and His 3-fold office as Prophet, Priest and King; John abruptly breaks into a burst of praise!

"To Him who loves us, and released us from our sins by His blood."