Lesson 11  August 29

                                                    Prophecy Basics

THE NEW COVENANT                           


What is the New Covenant

The New Covenant Amplifies the blessings provision of the Abrahamic covenant.

   - "In you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."   Gen 12:3


   - Main Passage giving the details of:  Jer. 31:31-34



   1. Rests on the Grace of God.    Jer. 31:1-3




Note:  The basis of HOPE that Jeremiah held out to a nation about to undergo discipline was not that they would become strong in themselves and would be able to obey the Lord, but rather that God would give them through this New Covenant that will provide the divine enablement necessary for them to walk in obedience and experience the blessings of the covenant.


The New Covenant is based on Grace;  given at a time of great apostasy.


2. It is guaranteed!  (not even her state of spiritual degeneration will cancel it)

- Jeremiah demonstrates this guarantee by comparing it to the stability and immensity of creation.   - 31:35-37 


3. Summarize the Elements of the Restoration in view. (spiritual)

#1  God's  word will be written on their heart. (33)


#2  They will all know Me, I will be their God and they shall be My people. (34a)


#3  I will forgive their iniquities.


4. Name of the Covenant; interesting that it is the only covenant that is actually named.

It is new and fresh in relation to the Old covenant, the Mosaic covenant mentioned in vs:32.   



- So God is saying here in Jer 31, we're going to scuttle that old covenant, and establish a new one!  A new one based on Grace!




5. Additional passages that reiterate this important Covenant.

- Jer 32:37-41  (before captivity)

- Ezk 37:21-28  (during captivity)



6. Results of the New Covenant

#1 regathering - this return is understood as being permanent.

#2 Re-uniting of the NK and SK into one people.

#3 The Rebuilding of the city, (Jer 31:38-40)

#4 The rebuilding of the temple, place of the presence of God with them Ezk 37:27-28.

#5 The elevation of the one with the right to rule to King.

#6 Deliverance from idolatry, paganism;  cleansing form sin.



7. Observations - Distinctions

a. It was clearly made with Israel and was to supplant the Mosaic covenant.

b. From the time of the first announcement onward throughout the rest of the prophets of the OT. it was always viewed as Future.


c. Therefore, it will only be experienced after Israel's conversion at the second advent of Christ.  Rom 11:26-27.  (important time marker)


Historical Note:  (Upper room discourse)











d. Within the New covenant there are 2 types of provisions;

Spiritual blessings and earthly physical blessings.


- The Spiritual blessings include:

Salvation by faith; the forgiveness of sins; the ministry of the Holy Spirit


e. The New covenant then is the basis for all that is promised to Israel for the Kingdom rule of Christ and the inheritance of the land.


f. The New Covenant is the basis for all the spiritual blessings that the church age saint has in Christ.