Lesson 6 July 4

Prophecy Basics


F.  Who is the seed??    (4 aspects of this)


1. It can refer to the physical seed only.

Gen 17:19  only way that you can take that.


2. There are seen in the OT those who are physical and spiritual descendants of Israel.

- a physical seed and within that group a spiritual seed   Rom 9:6-7


3. Third group is made up of those who are of the spiritual seed only.

- This would include Gentile believers;  you and me.   Gal. 3:6-9


4. The Singular seed, is Christ.  Gal 3:16



G.  If the seed of Abraham is the one with whom the covenant is made, is the covenant going to be fulfilled to just the natural seed of Israel?? 


To answer these questions we need to look at and answer another question, Who are Israelites? 



H.  Who are Israelites?

What does it mean to be God's select and chosen people?

The passage to look at is Rom 9.


To get a handle on this passage we need to understand 3 things:


#1 To grasp that Paul has a problem.

#2 In vs:1-3 due to this problem Paul expresses tremendous personal pain.

#3 This pain is based on the fact that Israel possessed tremendous privileges. (ch 4-5)






And what Paul very emphatically says is that NO He hasn't and  in ch 9, 10, 11 he goes on to prove just that!    The program for Israel is not over.



The very character of God is at stake here.


Now if God was not faithful to the Jews in what He has promised in these eternal covenants, how do we know that He will be faithful to us in the Church, in the body of Christ?


9:4-5 helps to answer what is a Jew! 


#1 "to whom belongs the adoption";