Lesson  7 April 28, 2002



The identification of the Spirit as our anointing, then, is a  portrait of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit as an act of God which separates us, and equips us for ministry in the purpose of God.



[Rabbit trail 1 John 2:20, 27]

1 John 2:20 The Unique status, provision for the believer


a. The anointing from the Holy One (v. 20a).





-  The only difference between anointing and indwelling seems to lie in the distinction of their emphasis.

-  The indwelling brings the presence of God into the life of the  believer. [position]

-  The anointing, relates to function of the Spirit in the life of the believer, that he might be taught, and being taught, have discernment; only purpose specifically detailed in N.T.


b. The knowledge of the truth (vv. 20b-21).

The assertion of their knowledge (v. 20b).

A second resource which enables the readers to resist the antichrists is "and you all know."  [that is because of the anointing]



These believers (and us) know the reality and reliability of God's truth through the teaching and illumination ministry of the indwelling Spirit.



c.  Application:

Presence of Holy Spirit is a matter of fact, not of feeling!

The function of the Holy Spirit in our life overcomes ignorance and makes discernment of truth possible. 

Gives us the ability to separate the dross of human viewpoint from the truth of the Word of God.

We as believers should never be intimidated by a/c's and their teaching; no matter what the source, may be some of the most respected of the day, the philosophers of the day, whoever!





1 John 2:27 Provision of the Ministry of the Holy Spirit


And as for you, the anointing which you received from Him abides in you






and you have no need for anyone to teach you




Basic Hermeneutics 101;  One passage cannot be interpreted to contradict another passage!