Lesson 9


Maintaining the Faith Entrusted to Us






5. What Jude is telling us with this 3rd characteristic to be on guard for those who fail to recognize authority established by God.





6. Its also a warning to the apostate false teachers of his day or any day;  they perished [aor.] its an historical fact that they were judged and it is certain that you will not escape judgement even though you have deluded yourselves into thinking that you will.




1:12-13  Danger of these False Teachers

Jude draws analogies here from nature to illustrate the pattern of operation of these false teachers.


These men are those who are hidden reefs in your love feasts when they feast with you without fear, caring for themselves;



#1  who are hidden reefs in your love feasts




- hidden reefs    spila,j   a rock over  which the sea washes, reef, hidden rock; 


here its used  metaph. of these ungodly F/T's who wreck the lives of others before danger is suspected,  hidden danger. "unnoticed" lack discernment





- when they feast with you     suneuwce,omai refers to a sumptuous meal, therefore social activity, fellowship together sun  does not refer to the Lord's table.





Point is that even though they operate with deceit, hypocrisy, exploiting those they deal with, they have no fear of accountability.





#2 Not only do they operate without fear, when they come to the pot luck dinners, their modus operendi is self centered, caring for themselves  




2 possibilities here that must be noted related to these F/T's.

First if they are P/T's then they are exploiting the flock to feed their own sin nature lust pattern, greed, power, sexual, approbation.




Or second, if they are Joe pew, their motivation for assembly is not to gain dvpt, fellowship w/Christ or others but on self. (sin nature)



#3 clouds without water, carried along by winds    a;nudroj   










#4 They are withered trees;  autumn trees without fruit, doubly dead, uprooted





- without fruit





- doubly dead  speaks to their spiritual condition;  






- uprooted;   evkrizo,w   to be pulled up by the roots


 Aor. tense speaks to the historical reality that from God's viewpoint they have already been judged, their future sealed.









The last 2 analogies in vs:13 illustrate the instability of the apostate false teachers.


#5 wild waves of the sea, casting up their own shame like foam;  






- casting up their own shame like foam;  evpafri,zw  lit. means to foam up, to cast up foam; waves washing up on the beach always leave a foam at its crest as it recedes.

- Isa. 57:20 illustrates





#6 wandering stars, for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever.  avsth,r planh,thj







- Jude says that their future is set.  for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever.