Lesson 8


Maintaining the Faith Entrusted to Us



1:10. How these apostate F/T's often operate


But these men revile the things which they do not understand






How do these F/T's operate?    and the things which they know by instinct,




like unreasoning animals




by these things they are destroyed.




Observations:  1:10

1. Peter also makes the same comparison as does Jude here between F/T's and animals.  2 Pet. 2:12



2. Both are saying that these F/T's are the product of their own rejection of truth and OSN lust pattern.



3. When someone rejects God,  Unbel'r the gospel; the Bel'r BD; they  open their soul to darkness which further alienates them from God.     Eph. 4:17-19


a.  neg. vol. leads to an emptiness, a vacuum;  vs:17   mataio,thj(   nonsense, nothingness, emptiness (2P 2.18); as a characteristic  state of something speaks of futility, frustration, purposelessness (RO 8.20).


b. Darkness in the mind leads to hardness of heart; scar tissue being developed in the conscience.  4:18-19a 


c. The result is the intensification of the pursuit of sin nature activity. 4:19b



4. Out of their rejection of truth they manufacture empty, vain philosophies to justify their pattern of life.



5. They continually scoff at spiritual things, info, the things that they cannot understand. To them BD, the Gospel is foolishness, 1 Cor. 1:18-23.



1:11 Jude once again returns to the OT for 3 more historical examples to illustrate how present F/T apostates operate.


- begins with a strong warning!  Woe to them!



First Woe!

For they have gone the way of Cain,




2nd Woe

and for pay they have rushed headlong into the error of Balaam,






3rd Woe!

and perished in the rebellion of Korah.





1. Jude announces woes on these false teachers and in doing so gives us 3 important characteristics of apostate false teachers to be on guard for.





2. First characteristic is that they have gone the way of Cain [Gen. 4:1-15]


- The characteristic, that man's way, his own works and ability is sufficient to approach God, and to have relationship with it.





3. Second characteristic: the error of Balaam.  [Num. 22:21-31; 2 Pet. 2:15-16]

- for the sake of monetary gain they distort and compromise truth; ends justify the means, everything is done motivated by the buck






4.  3rd characteristic: perished in the rebellion of Korah.  Num. 16;   Psa. 106:16-18 summary  [anatomy of a conspiracy]



- B.L. is to reject or seek to undermine legitimate authority.