Lesson 3


Maintaining the Faith Entrusted to Us


Proofs of Eternal Security continued:

7. Greek tense proof: Eph 2:8-9; 2:5

The perfect tense is often used with reference to salvation. Completed action, when we believed in Christ, which has lasting results, eternity.  



So complete and perfect is this work of God in Christ that the believer is declared permanently saved and secure forever.


8. Inheritance approach: 1 Pet. 1:4-5



9. God's desire: 1 Tim. 2:4;  2 Pet. 3:9; [is He not able to provide?]  Jude 24.



10. Sealing Ministry of the Holy Spirit:  2 Cor 1:22;  Eph. 1:13-14;  4:30


The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is our guarantee of our position, our protection and safe delivery face to face.     [avrrabw,n] pledge, earnest  




1:2  May mercy and peace and love be multiplied to you.


- verb may be multiplied




-  Implication of the optative, recognizes that most believers will never get with the source of the multiplication of mercy, peace and love -> takes doctrine, thinking dvpt, takes making choices to live out the truth.


Jude emphasizes here; Attitudes; Christian virtues that are to be increasing in our lives mercy, peace and love


- mercy   e;leoj(  mercy, compassion, used of both God and man;



- Mercy is also to be an attitude of the advancing, growing believer, as we respond to God's provision for us.




- Here the emphasis is on mercy, peace and love being a reality and increasing in the life of the believer and having a tremendous impact in our life and in others.



- peace,  eivrh,nh(




-  What Jude is emphasizing here is the peace of mind that flows from knowing the word; developing our relationship with Christ.  


- Phil. 4:6-7


- When is it available? In what kind of circumstances?  2 Ths. 3:16


Understanding your eternal security in Christ gives you great peace.



- love,  avga,ph  [no def. art.] take it to refer to the capacity to love others, His love for you which is to be reflected towards others.





1. Believe that this opening salutation expresses Jude's concern for believers that they would know the reality of the provision that is theirs in Christ.


2. Maintaining your spiritual momentum, that is, to keep advancing in our relationship with Christ, and our integrity as believers in a time of apostasy often tests the believer extensively.


3. If we are spiritually prepared we should not fear whatever situation we might face relative to the dominate attitude of the people of the day in which we live.


4. Provision for each of these virtues being a reality in one’s life, is ultimately God through our relationship with Christ and the Word! That is the fruit of the Spirit produced!


Side Note on the fruit of the Spirit – Some Observations:

1.  Fruit only grows and matures in the right climate.



2.  There will be a necessity for some weed pulling!


We need to separate, to pull the weeds of human vpt from our thinking, our F/O/R.



3.  Another aspect of fruit is that it is produced to be eaten, not admired, not to be put on display.



4.  People around us are starving for this fruit that is they’re looking for these things and all the other virtues we should be manifesting in our lives as believers.



5. The 9 characteristics Paul lists as fruit of the Spirit empowering the life: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.




1:3-4 Jude's purpose for writing


1:3 Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.


His intention stated: -  Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation  




Compelling obligation:  I felt the necessity to write to you




His strong appeal:  appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.