Lesson 80

Summary  5:17-18

1. James quickly disarms the objections that could be raised that Elijah was unique and that we as common believers could not expect to achieve such results from our prayer.


2. Elijah was no different - he possessed a sin nature - he was subject to the same weaknesses the same temptations as the rest of us.


3. The keys to his prayer being answered is twofold

#1 - He was a righteous man - experientially righteous, upright, blameless  (spirit filled knew word of God - took it seriously and applied it)

#2 - His prayer was in accord with the Word - Will of God.


4. Elijah made the announcement of the drought to Ahab in his court to provide unmistakable proof that God was against the evil that they practiced.


5. The drought was severe caused much suffering - but as with all disciplinary suffering it was designed to get the people to realize their error and return to worshipping and serving God.


6. His prayer for rain to end the drought was grounded in God's promise  to him. 1 Kg 18:1



5:19-20 Concluding Remarks  - Subject is straying saints



My brethren, If any among you, strays from the truth,


- implication is that someone has left something they once knew in an intimate way.




The proper attitude or approach in dealing with a straying one is found in Gal.  6:1-3


The MANNER to be used when dealing with this sinning one  Gal 6:1

in a spirit of gentleness  (g/o) (true humility and authority orientation)


*** There is no place for anyone to have an angry or impatient attitude while dealing with the straying believer.


*** Must be very cognizant of one's own limitations and frailties.



5:20 Operation restoration

There are 2 results emphasized here:


#1 -  will save


#2  -   and will cover a multitude of sins.



- Part of the turning around of the straying one is for that one to recognize his failures and receive the cleansing and forgiveness that only confession to God brings.



Summary  5:19-20

1. James closes the epistle encouraging them to be willing to minister to those that are negative to BD and moving spiritually away form God.


2. The 3rd class condition of vs:19 presents this as a very real possibility. i.e. seeing one close to you going negative - rejecting the truth and needing this ministry of restoration.


3. Obviously some of those that James is writing to were led astray by the  inducements of the cosmos.


4. James has already told us that no one is enticed - led astray into sin nature rulership apart from one's own volition. (1:14-15)


5. Perpetuation of such a state leads to instability in life as departure from the truth &  indifference to doctrine become the norm.


6. Straying from doctrine results when the individual places his/her selfish ambition over the commands of scripture.


7. Such believers are in need of spiritual restoration and recovery.


8. The spiritual or adjusted advancing believer has a responsibility to assist this ONE in their recovery.


9. This is one of the means of demonstrating true Christian love towards others.


10. We should first pray for them and for any potential opportunity to minister to them that you might have.


11. With sensitivity and gentleness - when the opportunity is presented - point out the error of their way.


12. James really gives no set guidelines as to how this ministry of restoration is to be accomplished.


13. Confession and repentance are the keys for the individual.



14. Verse 20 presents the important results of this ministry which should be an encouragement to the one who provides the doctrinal perspective to stimulate the straying believer to turn around.


15. Knowing that the individual is being reclaimed from temporal death -  no relationship with God that if perpetuated could lead to physical death, that is the sin unto death.

16. Great encouragement and stability flows from knowing that they are restored spiritually and all their sins are forgiven. (same as seen in Ps 32:1; 85:2)


17. The ending of James is very abrupt but is in keeping with the style and  purpose to rebuke them for their spiritual failures.

- showing favoritism

- faith minus divine good production

- verbal sins against one another

- love / pursuit of the cosmos

- fighting among themselves

- oath taking


Some final thoughts and exhortations

James has been dealing with many issues and possible hindrances to the believer attaining to the goal of spiritual maturation which he has detailed from the beginning.

As we think about what he has covered it should stimulate us to ask ourselves some questions in order to examine our own experiential status from a maturation standpoint.


1.  Am I becoming more and more patient as I deal with the CHP's of life?

- exhibiting the endurance that James referred to.

2.  Do I toy with temptation or resist it from the start?

3.  Do I find joy in obeying the Word of God, or do I merely study it and learn it? - a hearer not a doer?

4.  Are there any prejudices that shackle me?

5.  Am I able to control my tongue? - or does it control me?

6.  Am I a friend of God or a friend of the world?

7.  Do I make plans without considering the will of God?

8.  Do I naturally depend on prayer when I find myself with a need, or an anxiety?

9.  Am I the kind of person that others would seek out for prayer support?

10.  What is my attitude toward the straying, wandering believer?  Do I criticize and gossip, or do I seek to restore him in love?


We should not just be growing old but - but growing up, in Christ, maturation according to the standard He established. Eph 4:13