Lesson 56, November 17

4:5 God's Response to the Worldly

Or do you think that the Scripture speaks to no purpose



Now he picks up God's response to their worldliness.

"He jealously desires the Spirit which He has made to dwell in us"?



- With the term jealously we have here an anthropopathism - to help us to understand God's vpt towards those who have bought into some form of worldliness, spiritual adultery.


As a believer our love and devotion belongs to God - those having become a friend of the world are guilty of spiritual adultery.



Examples of the jealousy of God. Ex. 20:5; 34:14; also  Dt 32:16,21



4:5  Or do you subjectively think that the scripture speaks to no purpose. The Spirit which He has made to dwell in you jealously desires you. 


Summary  4:5

1. The question raised here by James is to point out to them again that their pursuit of worldliness, the cosmos, is out of line with God's desire for the believer.


2. James first probes their personal attitude toward the authority of scripture.


3. Do they view scripture as speaking in vain - emptily - to no purpose? Or is it important because it is the revelation of God?


4. Are the pronouncements of the WOG hallow and therefore not to be taken seriously?


5. Most believers who are orthodox and evangelical would answer "NO" to this question.


6. But in light of the actual practice, pattern of life lived for many,  the response must be in fact really "yes".

7. Many have faith, some BD, but no works, they proclaim their positive volition but they neglect to plant the Word consistently and to apply the truth so that they can reach maturation.


8. This summary statement of God's jealousy points out that God opposes worldliness for the believer.


9. God's jealousy for His people's loyalty and affection is aroused by their spiritual unfaithfulness, their spiritual adultery.


10. God longs for the production and dynamics of the Word and the indwelling Holy Spirit through the life of the Believer who responds and applies the word consistently.


11. Pursuit of the cosmos with its various lusts quenches and grieves the indwelling Holy Spirit.



12. His desire is our complete commitment to His Word and therefore to His Plan for us.


4:6 The Promise of Greater Grace to the Non-Worldly

But He gives a greater grace.


- God keeps on initiating and providing to the advancing believer a greater grace.


- what is in view is all that God can do for the advancing believer both temporally and eternally 





He documents this assurance that we have of this grace provision with a quotation from O.T..

Therefore it says, "GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD,


- is opposed  =  avntita,ssw  -  to stand against;  military metaphor, very strong term to line up against - to oppose - to resist


- proud  u`perh,fanoj - (u`per - over, beyond;  fonomai - to appear or show oneself  above others, therefore to be proud or arrogant it speaks of  an assumed air of superiority over others





but  - introduces the contrasting message of encouragement - the promise,  gives grace to the humble

This includes:

- Logistical grace: 


- Dying grace for the transition from time to eternity


Question here is what is the humble?

- tapeinos  tapeino,j = describes one who exhibits the mental attitude of humility 


- it is one who willingly submits to God's word and will rather than pursuing their h`donh,


From Peter in 1 Pet 5:5 we learn some important info about humility.