Lesson 51, October 31 2004 

4:2  The Consequences for self-centeredness


You lust and do not have; so you commit murder


- For the unbeliever the reality of sin nature rulership is perpetual and is kept in line or restrained several ways.

- But for the Believer, there is a clear choice being made all the time either to live under the sin nature's rulership or the rulership of the Holy Spirit coupled with obedience to the Royal law - the implanted Word of God.



What about restraining the lust patterns of the sin nature?


1. For the unbeliever or the believer under the sin nature's rulership. Those in society at large.

a. By law and strong consistent enforcement - the fear of the consequences of being caught and prosecuted.


b. Disapproval - the establishment influence of society


c. Inability which results from some lack of capability.



2. For the Believer some there are some additional aids in the restraint of the sin nature.

a. The unique ministry of the Holy Spirit who indwells all believers.


b. This ministry of the Holy Spirit coupled with a foundation in the Word provides the capacity for the believer to deal with the CHP's of life as well as the pressures from the lust patterns of the sin nature.


c. If we take God and His word seriously, establish our relationship with Him as the priority in our life, that is being occupied with Christ  (Heb 12:2) we will save ourselves a great deal of  chaos and turmoil in life.


The First Consequence

 so you commit murder 


- This word for murder here is very startling and it was meant to be.


James like Jesus and John is using this extreme illustration to wake them up to the consequences of their thinking which leads to destructive overt actions.


And you are envious and cannot obtain; so you fight and quarrel

are envious

- indicates the violation of the 10th commandment of the decalogue do not covet - refers here to the hot & intense desire (consuming) for something,  self-gratification,   money - car - job promotion - social life - health 



***  Failure and frustration are characteristics of the self-centered life.

so you fight and quarrel   -  returns to where he started in vs:1 to indicate the lifestyle under the sin nature being manifest in this assembly





You do not have because you do not ask  (aivte,w - to ask for one's self)


-  indicates here a failure to ask for the specifics needed in your prayer life - or a lack of a prayer life itself


- They are not turning to God as the giver of every good and perfect gift  (1:17)



Summary of 4:2

1.  We must guard against falling for the cosmic worldview and prosperity system.




Without the capacity for life that one gains from having God's VPT as the basis of their thinking  under the ministry of G/HS the DOL's  will never bring the enjoyment or happiness that you think they will.