Lesson 50, October 27 2004 


3:18 God's wisdom produces blessing

And the seed whose fruit is righteousness 


This statement doesn't add another characteristic of true wisdom but is adding the thought of its results to complete the picture.


is sown in peace  - describes the climate for this harvest of +R.


- the Present tense of sown is customary and describes the action of a righteous man who is operating in the sphere of God's wisdom not the wisdom of man.



3:18  And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.


1. The fruit in view here is the product of the life lived and in it, the fruit,  the seeds for more fruit.


2. As we share the fruit of God with others they will be fed and satisfied and they will in turn bear fruit.


3. The Christian life, or for that matter, any life is a life of sowing and reaping. We reap what we sow.  Prin.  Gal 6:7-9. 


4. The believer who obeys God's wisdom and  sows righteousness not sin, peace not hostility and antagonism will be the fruit.


5. The life we live enables the Lord to bring righteousness and peace not only into our life but into the life of others also. 


6. What we have in our soul forms the basis of how we live, and how we live is what we're sowing.  What we sow determines what we are going to reap.


7. If we live in the sphere of God's wisdom, we sow righteousness and peace, and we will reap God's blessing in our lives.


8. If we live in the sphere of man's worldly wisdom, we sow sin and conflict and we will reap confusion and every vile practice.

9. One of the sins that God Hates - that is on His hit list - is the sowing of discord among the brethren. (Prov 6:16-19)




Intro: This is a very strong polemical section (chew out); there is no "My brethren here"


The manifestation of their sin nature being in rulership is made clear by 7 characteristics:

    - quarrels and conflicts

    - self-centeredness

    - inaccurate prayer

    - spiritual adultery

    - arrogance

    - pseudo happiness

    - S/O/T maligning/judging



  1. 4:1-3  Identifies the true source of worldliness

  2. 4:4-6  Reproves spiritual infidelity

  3. 4:4-7  Pleads for submission to God  

  4. 4:11-12  Get relationship with others straight

  5. 4:13-17  Faith is tested by presumptuous planning 


4:1 The results  of submitting to your sin nature instead of the Royal Law, the law of liberty

What is the source of quarrels and conflicts among you?


James is not dealing here with the academic question of war but to the factional bickering in these new assemblies.


Is not the source your pleasures



It speaks of lust, pleasure in the sense that it denotes the enjoyment derived from fulfilling ones desires - being totally self  centered.


that wage war in your members

- wage war   strateu,w  =  to carry on a military campaign;   this  draws the imagery of these cravings of the sin nature as soldiers waging a campaign aimed at securing the satisfaction of those cravings.


Summary 4:1

1. These people are obviously in the assembly (L/C) for the wrong reasons.


2. His exhortation is designed to get them to examine and identify their own motives - just as we should always be doing.


3. Just as they needed to recognize the real war is fought first internally, so do we. 


4. If the sin nature is not checked  (Doctrine and ministry of the H/S)  be sure this inner battle is going to erupt into overt conflicts with those around you.


5. Peter tells us that the rulership of the sin nature is an attack on the soul.    1 Pet 2:11


6. Paul says that sin nature wages a war with the soul making him a spiritual  POW when it is in rulership. Rom 7:23


7. James has already told us what is the consequence of sin nature in control =  temporal death. Jms 1:14-15


8. To the extent that you are unhappy in your niche is an indication of the extent that your sin nature  still influences  your thinking.


9. The essence of sin is selfishness - my way thinking,  not God and His thinking.


10. Inner conflict and turmoil are very dangerous because they lead to instability and wrong actions. vs:2