Lesson 49, October 24 2004 


3:17  Characteristics  of God's Wisdom in operation - DVPT Thinking  results in true Godliness;  the wisdom that should dominate our thinking as believers


But the wisdom from above  (in contrast to that just looked at in vs:14-16)  is first pure 


first pure - agnoj =  pure, clean, undefiled = free from the contamination and defilement of the sin nature


Then follows the observed results of this wisdom - 6 characteristics

1. then peaceable  eirhnikoj - peaceful, promoting peace à from eirhnh  no hostility, reconciliation


Peace w/o purity is not a part of this wisdom.  No peace where the sin nature rules the life.  Only a pseudo peace.


2. gentle  - epieikhj (not easily translated with one word) - it signifies a humble patience - steadfastness - forbearance which is able to endure injustice, maltreatment w/o responding with hatred or malice it involves trusting in God in spite of ill-treatment received.


-  used of Jesus Christ in 2 Cor 10:1

-  of the believer on the job to maintain the correct MA whether he has a fair and gentle boss or one who is unreasonable. 1 Pet 2:18

-  also of the believer in general - Titus 3:2

-  of the P/T specifically in 1 Tim 3:3

-  idea then is to be considerate, non-combative, relaxed under authority whether being fairly or unjustly treated


3. reasonable  - euvpeiqh,j( (hapax) = easily persuaded, ready to obey,  compliant

- was used of submission to military discipline and for observance of legal and moral standards.


- This characteristic describes the one who is responsive to those in bonifide positions of authority - eager and attentive to the teaching of the Word of God.



4. Full of mercy and good fruits, 

- this phrase stands in direct contrast to every vile practice that characterized the earthly wisdom.

- Concept of mercy is to give or to deal with someone not on the basis or premise that they deserved whatever was given or done for them.


Because He has shown mercy to us we are to exhibit this same action towards others. Lk 6:36   Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.


A very good example of mercy is seen in the good Samaritan Lk 10:25-37


good fruits  - agaqoj karpoj (pl) - good/beneficial production



5. unwavering  (adj. - hapax) = adiakritoj fr: diakrinw to discern - judge

- it means to be undivided; to be without division or discord; hence the concept of unwavering or without vacillation

- What unwavering really describes here is the believer who:

- is not carried off by every wind of BD - trendy teaching passed as BD; feel good teaching; some truth with psychobabble

- not fooled by the wolves out there, the false teachers

- not attempting to live their life on two standards

- not double-souled or double-tongued

- exhibiting a wisdom that acts consistently

- therefore is predominately walking in the light


6.  without hypocrisy  -  anupokritoj this wisdom is free from all pretense; no working behind a mask - nothing to hide


3:17  But the wisdom from above is first (priority) pure, then peaceable, gentle (non-combative), teachable, full of mercy and good fruits (DGP), unwavering, without hypocrisy.

Summary vs:17

1.  This is what God expects from the believer after salvation - A life that manifests these characteristics, these qualities.  Not a complete list by any means.

2.  The only basis for these to become a reality is for each of us to have His wisdom in us coupled with the Holy Spirit's empowering ministry and guidance in order to use it.

3.  It takes God working in us  through His Word for these characteristics to become a reality and for God to be glorified by our lives as they are reflected in our day to day activities.

4.  These characteristics are also to be reflected in the L/C and they will not be produced  them by the Madison Ave methods of promotions (building on sand) as used in business.

5.  Since His viewpoint is what we need,  He has made available to us His revelation and  provided us instruction of that revelation through the proper function of the L/C and the gift of P/T teaching systematically through the Word. 

Ultimately the source is God's grace instructs us in the truth we need to know! 

Titus 2:12-13