Lesson 47,  October 17 2004

3:13-18 James presents a challenge to the Believer who has the wisdom of God  to display it through their life.


Prin: Key to right speech - control of the tongue, and right actions in one's life is right thinking, wisdom.


3:13  Who among you (bel's) is wise and understanding


- wise - sofo,j = wisdom, a general and thorough knowledge;   Jewish usage refers to a knowledge of practical moral wisdom which rests on a knowledge of God = His word.


- understanding  =  evpisth,mwn - implies the knowledge of an expert, or professional - a specialist; someone well-instructed,


What James is looking for here is not someone with just intellectual or academic learning but also practical moral and spiritual insight - discernment.

let him show by his good behavior


- behavior  =  avnastrofh, - manner of life, conduct; most often translated as here, behavior

1 Pet 1:15; 2:12; 3:1,2; 


The truly wise and understanding one is going to demonstrate that fact in the practical daily affairs of life.  The Christian life is most effectively demonstrated through our dealing with the routine issues of life.


his deeds in the gentleness of wisdom.


- gentleness;  often translated meekness, its the opposite of arrogance;  it speaks of being free from malice and a desire for revenge; 


James has challenged them to evaluate where they're at in relationship with Christ and just how that relationship is reflected in their life.


Summary 3:13

1. The wise and understanding one is the one who has the implanted word which provides the incite to apply truth in the practical issues of life.


2. The result is the wisdom of God overflowing in their life demonstrating the transforming power of God.


3. The ultimate proof, the demonstration of your declared position is how you conduct yourselves in your daily affairs.


4. Your social behavior is to be recognized as good, noble and attractive.  (from God's vpt)


5. The believers works then become the acid test of his spiritual progress.


6. Application of that BD that is in your soul in the family setting, on the job, in your social life, in the local church, and during testing demonstrate clearly what you are before God.


7. These works are to be performed with "gentleness of wisdom."


8. It is the opposite of arrogant self-assertiveness.


9.  James has challenged them to evaluate where they're at in their relationship with Christ and just how that relationship is reflected in their life.


3:14  The evidence of human viewpoint - false wisdom - as the main influence in life

But if you have bitter jealousy


*** A zeal for God and His truth is commendable but we must be ever mindful of the subtleties of the sin nature which can quickly pervert that positive zeal into bitter antagonism especially against those who do not express the same beliefs in God and His word quite the same way as we do. 


and selfish ambition in your heart,



- it denotes one who is willing to use unethical divisive means to promote their own views and interests.





Now 2 commands are given by James

do not be arrogant  


- Some were gloating over another on the ground of an assumed superiority.



and so lie against the truth 


- by their attitude and actions they were repudiating the truth of the royal law which as Believers they professed to accept and promote.