Lesson 32 August 25


2:2-4 Principle Illustrated

2:2 The Setting: Situation Described

For if a man comes into your assembly




The  Situation

The believers had met for worship.

The "usher" is presented with a dilemma.

At the door appears a very wealthy man - w/gold ring (Mr gold-finger) 

It was common to wear rings in the ancient world as either a signet ring or just for adornment. Might even been more than one.    [Mr T.; Sammy Davis Jr.]

One's social status was often indicated by the quality of the ring.

Also it says he was dressed in very fine clothes




with a gold ring and dressed in fine clothes




About the same time at the door appears one who is a total contrast to the rich man. The  poor man in his dirty clothes

- ptwco,j = abject poverty - used of beggars who was not wearing designer clothes; they weren't even clean what ever they were

- r`uparo,j = were filthy/dirty.


2:3 The response to the two visitors by the Congregation


Apparently there was only one seat available and the "usher" made a decision based on the externals of the two.



2:4 The Motive Examined and condemned

have you not made distinctions among yourselves, and become judges with evil motives?



with evil motives   ponhro,j   dialogismo,j - both in the gen. describing the quality/character of the judges; 





1. If you are impressed as you observe - the external characteristics - and give preference because of it - one's wealth; position, heritage;  fame THEN STOP!!



2. Why? You can not evaluate one's spiritual state  by surface external impressions.



2:5-11 have the principle explained along with its evil consequences

(It demo's an inconsistency in conduct and a breach of the royal law of love.)


Listen, my beloved brethren:



James begins now with by asking a question,  the 1st of 4 that he will ask in the next two verses. All of these questions that James asks demand an affirmative answer.



1st Question:   Did not God choose the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which he promised to those who love Him?



This is not saying that only the poor are believers or can be believers or that only the poor are rich in faith therefore if you have money you must get rid of it.

What these passages are acknowledging are the general conditions of the day in the early  church.


Interesting Parable of calling & being chosen illuminates the Principle here.  Mt 22:1-14

Ends with  For many are called but few are chosen.


- God knew who - including you,  who would believe and when -  but He didn't cause it but provided everything necessary - hearing of the gospel often referred to as common grace for those who are positive at God consciousness,  plus the pre-salvation ministry of G/H-S to make the issues clear.




Holy Spirit's Gospel Ministry

The Convicting ministry of God the Holy Spirit

1.  DEFINITION: The convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit is the pre-salvation ministry of the Third person of the Trinity illuminating the message of the gospel to the unbeliever.


2.  The need for the convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit is documented in 1 Cor 2:11-14.


3.  The first reference to the convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit is in Gen 6:3.


4.  The mechanic of the convicting ministry of G/HS is often referred to as Common Grace.

a. Common Grace is the work of the HS in revealing the gospel to the unbeliever.  


b. Common Grace includes enablement to perceive, to understand the work of Christ related to salvation but also the means of attainment of salvation, by faith not works.


c. Apart from the Common Grace factor, the spiritually dead UB cannot understand the things of the spirit.


d. 1 Cor 2:14; 1:18; Rom 8:7; 2 Cor 4:3,4