Lesson 31 August 22


2:1  Observations: 

1. Our faith in Christ, His Word, and partiality are incompatible.

2. This is another way of saying that one's actions do not line up to the truth (the faith) that he professes to maintain in Jesus Christ.

3. God is not partial in His dealings with us as believers - no respecter  of persons. Rom 2:11; Eph 6:9; Col 3:22-25

4. There is no human asset, position, social status that we can attain that impresses God, and neither should we be impressed with these things.


5. Man so often judges by the face, the external appearance, while God  judges - evaluates man by the content of the real you. 1 Sam 16:7

6. As believers because of our position in Christ, the WOG gives us all equal privilege.  Gal 3:28


7. To evaluate others, show favoritism based on race, wealth, social rank or any other ext std is to violate the clear statement of this context.


[Rabbit trail]

Principles related to judging - is it sin or discernment?

1.  Judging may be a sin of the tongue (SOT)  Mt 7:1-5.

2.  The problem that needs to be resolved is to determine when judging is a sin of the tongue and when is it the bonifide result of discernment?

3.  Some examples of the call to judge - to exercise discernment.

a.  Christ reproves the multitude for failing to judge what is right.   Lk 12:57


b.  Christ gives us the mechanics for legitimate judging. John 7:24


c.  Paul tells Timothy to reprove and rebuke. 2 Tim 4:2


d.  The senses of the mature believer are to be trained to discern between good and evil.    Heb 5:14    


 e.  There are certain categories of people that you are to separate from.  2 Tim 3:1-5;           Rom 16:17,18  [this cannot be properly exercised  without judging - discernment]


4.  Conclusion: There is a legitimate form of judging. 


5.  QUESTIONS that must be asked to correctly evaluate the statement made:  [to arrive at a right conclusion]

a.  Does it stem from a Mental Attitude Sin?   [MAS]   Ps 5:9

b.  What is the motivation?  Jude 16  [is it personal gain; to gain power or advantage over            someone - therefore sin nature rule]

c.  What is the criteria?  [what is the standard of measurement?   Needs to be DVPT          Jn 7:24;     when it is = a righteous judgment

d. Is it based on the facts of the case and not speculation or rumor?

e. Right motivation  +  right criteria  =  bonifide statement based on the facts

f.  Conclusion:

Judging becomes a sin of the tongue when a statement is made if it results in a mental attitude sin or is a decision based on false criteria, not the facts.

6.  Control of the tongue is a sign of the maturing.  Jas 3:2