Lesson 22 July 11








The next phrase gives us the goal of this new birth through the message of truth believed.

so that we would be a kind of first fruits among His creatures.



"First fruits" then is the earnest of what would yet be harvested, here in context the first century believers, who are but a foretaste, an indication of the great number of people in each generation of the church age that would believe in Christ.  You and me!



among His creatures   kti,sma denotes that which is the product of God's creative acts


- here in this context the creation in view are the new creations in Christ, those who have been regenerated as a result of faith in Christ.



1.  James illustrates God's graciousness to us by focusing on the greatest of all gifts, the gift of salvation, eternal life.

- Titus 3:5; John 1:13


2.  As believers, members of His family, God is not going to lead us into failure or tempt us to sin.


3.  God uses His abilities to provide us through grace assets, the DOA's we need to live our life to the fullest and to glorify Him.  2 Pet. 1:3



4.  Having provided us a new birth, God has declared that He accepts nothing associated with our first birth, no matter how great or noble it may be in the eyes of man.


5.  Just as the Holy Spirit uses the message of truth, the Gospel to provide the new birth, in our life as believers He uses the Word of truth in us to provide us the spiritual moxy and strength needed to have impact for Christ.


6.  The option is yours: you either stay focused on Christ applying the Word of Truth and receive the crown of life (vs:12) or fail to resist the temptation in effect rejecting the DOA's (those things pertaining to life and godliness) and take the low road of death (vs:15) that is temporal death, no fellowship with God.



Challenges from the context which should help us in handling temptation.

1. Be aware of the spiritual consequences of sin and death.

2. Reflect on God's provision for you, how great it has been and is for you remembering that His desire for you is always the highest and best.