Lesson 14 June 13

James Chapter One



First, need to recognize the importance of obedience and its relationship to overcoming the temptation of the indwelling Sin nature with its passions and lusts.



By understanding the facts presented in verses 1-10, [understanding of our position] we are to know for certain that we are dead to the power and rule of sin and alive in the power of Christ.


This means we have the resources necessary for obedience to God or as Paul puts it here, to present ourselves to God as those alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. (Rom. 6:13b).


So what has Paul emphasized with Rom 6:

* First its imperative that we know the facts of our identification with Christ   (vs. 1-10).

* Then we must count on them as spiritual realities,  by faith   [believing them]                (cf. vs. 11 with vs. 8).

* Third, knowing and believing in our new identification, we are to choose to present ourselves to God for obedience (vs. 12-18).

* This presentation is ultimately carried out through walking by faith empowered by the Spirit who dwells within each of us (Rom. 8:1-13; Gal. 5:16).






Since as believers we are complete in Christ, there is nothing we can add to gain salvation, or to maintain their salvation (Titus 3:5; Eph. 2:8-9; Rom. 8:32-39).

We are saved by the record of the Savior, not ours.

Likewise, there is nothing believers can add to the work of Christ or to their new life in Christ in order to walk with God and experience true spirituality.




To trust in anything other than God's full provision for us in Jesus Christ is to be faithless in our position and futile in dealing with the circumstances of life we might be facing.

As a result of our union with or  being in Christ, the believer's life is hidden permanently in God through this union and identification with Jesus Christ.  Col. 3:1-3


Understanding this truth results in two strong implications:

* Security:  Believers are doubly safe with Christ in God  (cf. John. 10:28-29;  Rom. 8:38-39).

* Provision: The believer's life is nourished and supplied by hidden resources which the world cannot know nor give. 


Bottom Line:

The Spirit of God, whose responsibility it is to glorify Christ and mediate His life, Christ's  life, to you and me, will never engender spiritual power or bring change into any life that is not resting in the merit, significance, and sufficiency of Christ as the source and ground of their life.



Back to James 1:10

1:10 Continues the need for orientation focused on the "RICH MAN"

And let the rich man (glory) in his humiliation 


rich man = plousios - used here to describe one who has much of this world's goods / possessions; an affluent person; one who doesn't have to work for a living.


The sphere in which this rich man is to operate:

in his humiliation   - adj.  tapeinwsij  (...sij = action or process)  to be made low;

What is his humiliation??  Does he loose his wealth? Has he been ostracized by his friends and associates for his faith and application and therefore now a social outcast? 



With all his wealth, tests and suffering are still a part of his life.  The wealth does not insulate him  from them, may be differing types is all.


In fact the rich believer has no advantage over the poor believer spiritually. This is  very humbling to the rich brother.


Principle of Doctrine that the rich brother must orient to, to be an adjusted well balanced believer, one with impact is seen in the next phrase.

because like flowering grass he will pass away.



Reason I believe that he does this is that for the rich brother it is so easy for him to fall into the trap of relying on his material possessions,  wealth & social position for his security and happiness, when they are not the basis of true security or happiness.



he will pass away - pare,rcomai - come to an end, to pass away

- Emphasis is not on the wealth coming to an end but the individual, he is not immortal; death will eventually overtake him