Lesson 10 May 30

1:7 Further persuasion against doubting - lack of faith        

For let not that man expect that he will receive anything from the Lord.



that man   =  the doubter; the one who prays without believing - goes through the motions and doesn't really think God will meet his need of wisdom.





What should the doubter not expect!

that he will receive anything from the Lord. 



1:7   For that man (doubter) should stop expecting that he will receive anything from the Lord. 



1. The believer negative to God's standards and is doubting is ruled ineligible to function in prayer.

2. Prayer is not answered because one is sincere (God is not a maudlin sentimentalist, will not compromise His essence to please you)  but because the petition and the mental attitude agrees with God.


3. Should we have confidence in prayer? Emphatically yes!!

- Jn 14:13-15; 15:7; 1 Jn 3:22; 5:14


4. To reject the WOG consistently and offer up emotional pleas in our prayers is an insult to the integrity of God.

- see God's view of this type of believer in Prov 1:22-33


5. This should be a warning and a challenge to us to get with the truth of the Word.


1:8  Characteristics of the Doubter 

"being" a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways. 


a double-minded man   =  di,yucoj;  2 souled; double souled

- attempting to operate on two standards


unstable   -  avkata,statoj - lit. no standard of standing (kaqi,sthmi);  therefore  speaks of one who has no stability;  unsettled; vacillating in all his activity and conduct



in all his ways   - o`do,j - pl. indicates a habitual course of action


***  Know that if we vacillate with truth, doctrine, and its application in our lives it will have an impact in all areas of our life.  A tremendously negative impact.


Summary 1:8

1. Being double - souled indicates that those James is referring to are believers with some doctrine,  have been in Bible class but are not utilizing what they're hearing properly.

- breakdown in application. Prov 5:11-14


2. Problem here is that they're vacillating between the 2 potential rulers of life.

(inner struggle - war; Gal 5:17; flesh and the Spirit/BD)



3. In the context this believer the doubter, the double-souled one is not using the BD that he has, not functioning under his MPR at all times and consequently no growth, no spiritual advance, therefore God is not going to provide more.


4. Being double-souled is manifested by:

#1 - prayer not conforming to DVPT.

#2 - attending church, place of hearing truth,  w/o any intention to apply the principles of the Word when they are in conflict with the trends and desires of one's sin nature.


5. Must recognize that you cannot grow up spiritually by just applying the doctrines you like, that don't conflict with your sin nature.


6. The double-souled believer is attempting to go two directions at once.


7.  Being double-souled indicates a basic disloyalty to God.


8. The answer is given in 4:8 (other use of double-minded).