Lesson 5,  May 9


1:3-4 Conditions necessary for this JOY - CONTENTMENT in "ALL THINGS"  to exist.


1:3 Knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.


the testing (diff word from vs:2) - dokimion  doki,mion - to be tested and approved; 


The idea here is of the testing or proving of our faith even the genuineness of your faith.


of your faith - h pi,stij u`mw/n - what is believed BY you!

- This refers to what you have in your F/O/R - that is ready for application; the faith in you!



The Benefits:

produces endurance


- endurance  hupomone - u`pomonh, - patience toward the external circumstances of life; abiding under

This is a virtue of the Christian life that grows while under pressure - testing.




When a believer faces trials and tests he/she has an opportunity to either give up in defeat or to develop his/her capacity to endure and maintain steadfast commitment to do the will of God and have a positive impact for Christ.


1:3 Summary:

1. The testing of one's faith for approval indicates that these tests  trials, difficulties, suffering that are in view are undeserved suffering.


2. Experiencing these types of tests should not catch the believer off guard - by surprise.   1 Pet 4:12


3. Just as the goldsmith refines the impurities from gold with fire,  God uses the tests, the circumstances of life (CHP's)  as the fire that refines us as believers and our faith.


4. True faith, that is, content in agreement with the Word, like pure gold endures no matter how hot the fire.


5. Testing of  one's faith works for the benefit of the believer not against us.


6. It is in the struggle against difficulty, opposition that spiritual stamina is developed.


7. Patient endurance like the joy in context is directly related to the ministry of G/H-S.


8. God uses the tests / trials of life as a vehicle for us to develop spiritually which only occurs as we orient to and apply our faith, known doctrine in the situations of life.


9. Patience is a key to other blessings à in context leads to maturation. 


10. Faith  plus patience / perseverance leads to our inheritance, eternal blessing/rewards.   Heb 6:11-12


11. Paul tells us that these tests are but momentary light affliction - easy to bear when compared to the glory, eternal weight of glory that's ours for eternity, HOPE (elpis).    2 Cor 4:17


12. In Rom. 15:4 Paul relates the importance of the Word having been taught and understood. It becomes the source of encouragement and through patient endurance results in HOPE (pres tense - on going result).


13. As believers respond to doctrine throughout history often in the midst of great trouble and difficulty and realize the grace benefits that God has provided, (blessing - security - provision) even in that situation;  God is demonstrating to Satan during this time,  the     appeals process of the angelic conflict, that He is fair and just in dealing with His creatures and therefore is justified in judging Satan. (Mt 25:41)


(Rabbit Trail)

Testing is necessary for growth in the Christian life  (Prin. must  be learned)

1 Peter 1:6-7

"In this you greatly rejoice"

-  Takes us back to vs: 5


- You have confidence in time regardless of the circumstances because you are protected by the Omnipotence of God from the time you believed in Christ, until the day of deliverance, the rapture. 



Therefore it's a confidence that we as believers can have in time that is not dependant on or extinguished by the external circumstances of life.




- It's also related to understanding that in Christ we have an inheritance one which is:

- incorruptible >> nothing can destroy

- undefiled >> no moral stain/impurity either to gain or to keep it

- unfading  >> not affected by time - will not loose its luster

- even though now   At this time, the time Peter is writing to people who are under great pressure, undeserved suffering, and he is exhorting them to remember their position in Christ and to keep using the DOA's from doctrine known for the rewards are very great.



In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary,

- for a little while (a short time), if need be (causal particle eiv +  dei/ pres ptc = indicates an obligation, something that is necessary - not something that is optional.  

- since it is necessary




- "you have been distressed by various trials"