Lesson   82    December 18,  2002






4.  6:10  Ends the section with a general application

So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.





Direction of application:


to all people




and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.






1.  This verse addresses the issue of Christian social responsibility, giving aid to those in need and with that opportunity producing divine good which glorifies God.


2.  Paul's exhortation is to individual believers (we) to make this application to those outside as well as the those within the household of faith.


3.  This is an application that we are to make even to our enemies  Rom. 12:20

The result is noted, you will heap burning coals on his head!  


4.  We need to remember that divine good produced always glorifies God.

-  virtue #6 in 5:22  agathosune  to exhibit the quality or characteristic of goodness 


5.  By serving one another through love is directly related to your eternal rewards.     Heb 6:10;  10:34-35 tough application



Conclusion: Final Counsel Concerning Judaizers, 6:11-18



6:11  See with what large letters I am writing to you with my own hand.


Summary 6:11

1.  Paul wanted them to be able to recognize his handwriting which would  validate his authorship and thus authority as an apostle as well as relating to the urgency of the message it contains.

2.  Paul set the example for the Galatians in doing what is right and in their best interest when he wrote them this strong  epistle  addressing the doctrinal error introduced by the Judaizers.


3.  Paul is the example in many ways for all of us but especially for the P/T.





In 6:12-13  we find Paul's last warning about and indictment of  the Judaizers


See their misdirected desire in 612a

Those who desire to make a good showing in the flesh





We next see in  6:12b  their pressure tactics.  The overt action they desire.

try to compel you to be circumcised


-  legalists always have an ax to grind and relentlessly use various forms of pressure tactics to influence others and get them to follow them.




Then in 6:12c  we find the hidden motivation

simply so that  (purpose)   they will not be persecuted for the cross of Christ.






Why persecution for the cross of Christ?  What's the issue that causes a stigma?







Now the issue for the unbelieving Jews was that this totally eliminated all the works of man, all the rituals of the mosaic law including circumcision,  totally non-essential.





Why the necessity of the cross?  Why is it such an offense to man?

1.  All are under sin and therefore separated from a holy and righteous God. Rom 3:9


2.  Because all are under sin there is guilt before God.


3.  Where there is guilt there is condemnation, judgement which is death Eph 2:1


4.  There is nothing that man can do to deal with the penalty of death or curse through his own efforts or works,  can not earn enough merits to solve that problem.





6:13  The second part of the indictment of the Judaizers

6:13a  the inconsistency of the Judaizers

For those who are circumcised do not even keep the Law themselves,





6:13b  What did they desire?

but they desire to have you circumcised so that they may boast in your flesh.





Prin:  Legalists always major in the minors the non-essentials and minor in the majors, the essentials.  Or circumvent the majors all together.