Lesson   79 December 8,  2002


6:2  Gave the command  -  Bear one another's burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ.







6:3-5  Gives us some Guidelines for those who would aid the burdened believer of vs:2


6:3  Must guard against self-righteousness

6:4  Remedy is self examination

6:5  Remember your own responsibility [balance]


6:3  Must guard against self-righteousness

For if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself.




For if anyone thinks   doke,w  to suppose, to form an opinion;  it refers to subjective thinking, that is without facts or substance to support the conclusions.





- Whether one is something or not must be measured by God's  standard not man's, Question is, are we walking by the Spirit reflecting the character of Christ, that's the basis of a right evaluation not what impresses man.



Now follows the conclusion: he deceives himself   frenapata,w


Speaks of deceiving the mind, thinking;  includes the idea which is pertinent here of deceiving by  fantasies.   This is a perfect fit with the word dokew used here.




Summary 6:3

1.  Paul cautions us here to be mindful of our mental attitude and motivation in dealing with others in general and specifically while dealing with those in need.


2.  There are several pitfalls that we might fall into if we fail to be on guard related to our mental attitude and motivation.


3.  We cannot be selfless toward others if we consider ourselves to be better than they are.

4.  We might even be tempted to start "playing god" and try and get them "indebted" to us by "restoring" them to our good graces, instead of focusing on their spiritual restoration to God.


5.  If we have subjectively concluded that our spiritual position or relationship with God has been advanced by these works we have  deceived ourselves.


6.   Yes we are commanded to do these things, but if you've noticed Paul never wanders from the correct perspective in this context or any other for that matter.

The doing of these commands must flow from our relationship, therefore from walking by the Spirit or they are nothing.


7.   The conceited or self - righteous type (legalist)  being wrongfully motivated has deluded themselves that in the doing is the cause of relationship instead of where Paul is at, the biblical viewpoint is that the doing is a result of relationship and therefore the living out of the truth known.


8.  Those who live in a fantasy world  often think of themselves as "something" and attempt to build their experiential righteousness, who they are in life,  on another's unrighteousness.


6:4  Remedy is self examination


Instead of operating in a sphere of self-deception by maintaining a superior attitude either towards the sinning brother or the one with a heavy burden,  what needs to be done Paul says is to examine one's work, must be by the right standard.


But each one must examine his own work,   dokima,zw    speaks of making an examination put to the test, examine, prove something: requires a standard




What is to be evaluated?   his own work,    his overt production in life but specifically in context  that associated with "through love serve one another"


When the evaluation is such that the finding measures up with Scripture, then the next phrase comes into focus;


then he will have reason for boasting in regard to himself alone, and not in regard to another. 




then he will have reason   for what??   And on what basis?? 




Paul's point here is very strong, we must ensure that we have evaluated our lives consistently on the basis of the right standard the Word of God so that the righteous requirement of that Word is being fulfilled in us as we walk by the Spirit.

Rabbit trail

Phil. 2:16 The means of maintaining this light in the world


holding fast the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may have cause to glory because I did not run in vain nor toil in vain.



And the focus, the emphasis:  what are we to keep holding out??



"Word of life" is a functional title because it tells us what   the word does, it brings and sustains spiritual life.



We become lights in the kosmos, in 2 ways;

1- by living out the precepts of the Word of God; balance between word and deed  and

2- being ready to give an account of the hope with in us, the gospel which is the word that brings life, not only eternal life but the dynamic for living each day, word and Spirit.



What you do today has impact on the future!


"so that in the day of Christ I may have cause to glory"




"because I did not run in vain nor toil in vain."





Their obedience as ours to the will of God in this life is a sign of the reality of the Christian life, that they have indeed worked out their salvation, carried it to its goal, objective.   (2:12)