Lesson   74  December 1,  2002


#5. kindness,   crhsto,thj   as moral integrity uprightness, honesty;  it refers to one's disposition towards others



1.  This word basically denotes usefulness and came to refer to the capacity to show kindness to others; as a noun it indicates a generosity towards others  that is upright and righteous.


2.  When this word is used in the plural it refers to the expression of this character or virtue, i.e. kind actions, thoughtfulness,  a friendly considerate attitude or respectful.


3.  Man does not inherently possess this quality.  Rom 3:12


4.  If we reject or ignore  God's kindness  we are in for His severity, judgement.            Rom. 11:22


5.  This is a characteristic that God demonstrates in His dealing with man Rom 2:4; Titus 3:4.


6.  This kindness is part of being a bondservant of God  2 Cor. 6:6


7.  Since we are His people as believers, and are separated unto Him we are to exhibit this attitude of kindness  Col. 3:12.


8.  God  is displaying the surpassing riches of His grace  by  His kindness to us in the ages to come, eternity  Eph 2:7.




#6. goodness,   avgaqwsu,nh(  ending says that this speaks of the quality of goodness



1.  Definition

(1) as a quality of moral excellence being good, goodness, uprightness

(2) as a quality of relationship with others willingness to give or share, generosity, goodness


2.  Paul views this characteristic as necessary if we are to admonish another believer from the right motivation and it is always related to knowledge of truth  Rom 15:14


3.  Paul relates this characteristic as one of the fruits of the light  Eph. 5:9



- When the light of Christ shines through the life of the believer it produces 3 characteristics:

     #1  goodness;  avgaqwsu,nh  speaks of moral excellence; w/generosity

     #2  righteousness;  dikaiosu,nh    quality of "rightness" from God's vpt; knowing what is right and doing it consistently

     #3  truth;   avlhqei,a   here we have the quality of honesty and genuineness; not just something to be said but to be done! [4:15]


4.  We are to desire this goodness which Paul relates to a work produced by faith             2 Ths. 1:11



#7. faithfulness  pi,stij  a word we've seen a dealt with considerably, primarily in reference to what is believed, the object being the revelation of God to us through the Word.



1.  The Word of God is reliable/faithful therefore anyone who lives their life on that standard will also be exhibit faithfulness.


2.  God's faithfulness is not nullified by our lack of it.  Rom. 3:3


3.  This faith or faithfulness has production in our life  1 Ths. 1:3; 2 Ths. 1:4, 11.



4.  This faith or faithfulness is to be demonstrated or  revealed in our life Titus 2:10.


5.  Living or walking by faith (always linked to the Holy Spirit) produces stability and dependability the opposite of vacillation and double-mindedness.




#8.  gentleness,   prau<thj   often translated meekness; it expresses gentleness with considerateness towards others;   has a close association with humility and so is often translated as humility


1.  The meekness of Jesus in His humanity has as its basis love 2 Cor 4:21; 10:1.



2.   This is a characteristic that is to be a part of our walking worthy of our calling in Christ  Eph 4:2.


3.   This gentleness like the others is not innate and is developed through knowledge of truth and our relationship with the Holy  Spirit  Col. 3:12.



4.   This characteristic is related to and an indication of authority orientation  Titus 1:1-2.


5.   This is a characteristic that is to govern our approach to the hearing of the Word  James 1:21.


6.   This virtue can be said of us when we recognize and accept that ultimately God is in control of history and therefore we are relaxed, confident as we deal with the various circumstances of life living in our niche in a sin cursed world.