Lesson  71   November 24,  2002


#6  dissensions   dicostasi,ai(  means a standing apart and is translated as dissension, division, or sedition.

a.  In view here are divisions and therefore dissentions caused by the rejection of truth.


b.  We are warned to be on guard for this type as they can quickly destroy a congregation's focus on truth.  Rom. 16:17-18


c.  The thrust of the context of Rom. 12-16, application section of Romans,  is to motivate the believer to live in an unselfish manner with others in the body of Christ or as we noted in Gal. 5:13 through love serve one another.


d.  The idea is that personal agendas in the local church which will limit our freedom in Christ are out and what needs to be the focus is what leads to edification of the body.




#7  factions    ai[resij   hairesis 



a.  The word hairesis looks at false doctrines that are actually self-willed opinions that frequently arise as the outcome of personal preference or the prospect of advantage.


b.  These self derived opinions are substituted for submission to the power of Word and the Spirit and leads to division and the formation of sects within the local church.


c.  Christianity was called the "sect of the Nazarenes," as  a term of derision. Acts 24:5; Acts 24:14


d.  A local church that comes together when factions and cliques exist has  missed the objective of the church.  1 Cor 11:17-22


e.  The last days will be loaded with false prophets who introduce destructive heresies.      2 Pet 2:1


#8  envying,   fqo,noi(  indicates the intense desire to deprive someone else of what they have

-  this is always used in the negative sense.



This brings us to the 4th and last group of the deeds of the flesh   2   hedonistic sins that were a common problem of the day, nothing new, have come full circle.


#1  drunkenness   me,qh  intoxication

-   this is clearly forbidden by Scripture Rom. 13:13;  Eph 5:18



#2  carousing   kw/moj  



-   by the time Paul writes here it was commonly used for  drinking parties and general debauchery that went with it, with more emphasis on the unrestrained partying.



and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you,



that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.


-    two important words here, practice and inherit



The consequences for not dealing with sin   will not inherit the kingdom of God



-  inheritance does not speak of entrance into a relationship, that is salvation, but of enjoying the benefits and blessings associated with being sons of God.




Summary 5:19-21

1.  Paul's point in the context is what?   If we walk by the Spirit then none of these sins will not be committed by you let alone be the normal practice of one's life.


2.  What about the term inheritance?  Inheritance is based on sonship.


3.  Our status as sons cannot be changed or  revoked  regardless of the believers subsequent lifestyle. 


4.  Your eternal security is guaranteed, sealed by the Spirit the moment you believed in Christ.


5.  Common conclusions made about the statement, will not inherit the kingdom of God ;

a.  Paul is not saying that those who practice these sins loose their salvation.


b.  He is not saying the real Christian will never do these things so therefore one who practices these things must be unbelievers.


6.  We must remember that a believer does have a sin nature and even though we've been positionally separated/freed from its ruling power we can choose to put it back in rulership and  live under its domination producing these deeds of the flesh.


7.  Failure to inherit is tantamount to earning rewards, one of the blessings from living in the sphere of the will of God in our life.


-  reward is associated with 2 phases: 

#1  experiential in time, day by day living in the will of God;  goes to ones attitude towards the Word of God and its application


#2  Future at JSC that has eternal implications.

-  Note: every passage where the verb inherit is used but one there is an implication that some work of obedience is necessary for that inheritance to be realized.

-   Col. 3:23-24;  2 Cor 5:10;  Eph. 6:8  recompense middle voice; benefit


8.  Paul has essentially said the same thing in another way back in 5:4.