Lesson   66  November 10,  2002


Summary  1:13-14



2.  It is true that Satan is a tempter and with his operatives (fallen   angels - demons; false teachers) who seek to influence and sidetrack believers - get them off the straight and narrow path of the will of God.  1 Pet. 5:8; 2 Cor. 11:13-15;   2 COR 10:4-5




3.  Satan is able to tempt because of believers lack of self control - self discipline and therefore no application of truth. 1 Cor 7:5


4.  The greatest example for us which should bring us great comfort in   time is Jesus Christ. Set the pattern!!  Heb 2:18; 4:15


5.  Within each resides the capacity to respond to any situation with evil or human good from the source of the sin nature.  Eph 4:20-24


6.  James lays the responsibility for any and all attitudes / actions   contrary to the expressed +R std squarely on our shoulders.


7.  Only BDRS will desensitize you to the drawing and enticement of your particular problem lust pattern.


8.  The OSN has a natural trend toward the acceptance and application of human good (human righteousness) as well as sin and evil. 

a. Everything from the OSN God rejects. [sin - human good]


b. As the individual grows up he manifests his trends and begins to make decisions that are compatible with his/her OSN (liberalism, legalism, religion, etc.)

c. The only solution to the manifestation of the OSN is the continual building up of the wisdom and understanding of the Word (inculcation) and the and application of that wisdom/truth which dismantles the deceitful appeal of the OSN.




9. Characteristics of the OSN - its lust patterns:

a. Pride/arrogance - excessive desire to gratify self

b. Approbation - doing things to gain personal praise/flattery.

c. Power lust - desire to always be the top dog - the one running the show.   (Distortion of true authority)

d. Materialism - desire for things / money  (symbols of status).

e. Sexual lust - seeking to satisfy yourself sexually outside of the boundaries of divine design - marriage.

f. Pleasure lust - the inextinguishable desire for pleasure by whatever means; frantic search for happiness


10. The combination of these characteristics in a particular person's sin nature will also manifest itself through various trends:

a. Asceticism - extreme denial - usually oblivious to reality - Mahatma Ghandi type

b. Lasciviousness - overt sinning; if it feels good do it; totally hedonistic trend.   avse,lgeia


11. Effects of the sin nature:

a. leads man to personal sins by feeding false, twisted and distorted  info into analysis center of the soul. (deceit aspect)


b. tends to program our norms and standards with human viewpoint and evil as a system of thought - reflects your volitional decisions.


c. It seeks to dominate the volition - the influence is there but can't without you - because you still control the Volition.


d. When the sin nature is in control of the thought process of the soul it is analogous to impact of drunkenness Eph 5:18.

1. under drunkenness - alcohol takes over the function of cells to the point that normal body functions are distorted, thinking is unclear, coordination and stability are impacted.  


2. It illustrates how the saturation of the thought process with evil and human vpt distorts all input/output of the soul.


3. To those that are spiritually drunk - in state of carnality, under the sin nature's rule; the Holy Spirit quenched or grieved;  cleansing of applying 1 John 1:9 and the resultant fellowship sobers them up instantly.


e. being spiritually drunk manifests itself in human good and evil which begins with the thought process, thinking evil - and results then in personal sin.


12. The production of the sin nature, personal sins, were judged at the cross when Christ was made judicially guilty for those sins and paid the penalty required by the perfect righteousness of God/F. Col. 2:14; 1 Pet 2:24; 3:18



13. The Sin nature is neutralized in the believer in a two-fold fashion:


a. Positional victory  - (RAPT) Positional Truth

This is implemented by the ministry of God/H-S at the point of salvation; being identified with Christ, entered into union with Christ, by the baptism of the Holy Spirit.



-   the penalty for sin is dealt with; we stand justified before God

-   we're transferred from being in Adam, to being in Christ, we're now new creations in Christ and this change of position provides the foundation, the basis for all changes in life.

-   we're dead to the sin nature and we are freed from it's power Rom. 6:2, 7



b. Experiential victory f2- daily living out our new identity in Christ. It is here that the power over sin is realized.


-   this flows from our positional state; or what accrues to us because of identification with Christ.

-   abiding in Christ, walking worthy of the Lord/our calling

-   this is daily counting as true and presenting the members of your body as instruments of righteousness not unrighteousness.

-   facing the issues of life with the wisdom and understanding  developed from the truth of the Word illumined by the Holy Spirit

-   It is the Holy Spirit + BD which gives us the spiritual moxy, discernment to correctly evaluate and deal with any situation we might face.




14. The carnal believer chooses the sin nature to be the ruler of life responding to its enticement and influence on the thinking and the choices made, Rom 6:15-19.



15. The Grace resources available to us are sufficient to ensure we have the DVPT necessary to stop the distorting tendency of the sin nature.




16. Doctrine enables us to become smart to its deception and tactically defeats it on the battlefield of the soul through application of DVPT.