Lesson  63 November 3,  2002

Summary  5:16

1.  Paul's strong statement here is the answer to the Judaizers  contention that by not observing the law that an unrestrained life of sin would be the result, i.e. antinomianism.



2.  Walking by the Spirit describes what is to characterize our life as believers.



3.  The walk of the believer has some identifiable characteristics:

A.  Jesus called us to walk in the light which means to be obedient to His will and therefore reflect His character in our lives. John 12:35;  Eph 5:8; 


B.  Because we have new life in Christ Jesus, we can walk in that newness of life.   Rom 6:4

C.  When we walk according to Spirit, the requirement of the Law which is fulfilled in us because of the freedom we now have.  Rom 8:1-4


D.  This freedom in the Spirit lets us walk honestly which excludes deeds of the flesh. Rom 13:13


E.  Abusing your freedom that hurts one's brother is not part of this walk. Rom 14:15


F.  This walk excludes strife and jealousy which makes us appear just as an unbeliever. 1 Cor 3:3


G.  God has designed your life so as to make the best of the circumstances in which you find yourself in. 1 Cor 7:17


H.  Our walk should not be characterized by hidden agendas  that distort the Word of God. 2 Cor 4:2


I.   Our walk is by faith, not by sight. 2 Cor 5:7; Col.  2:6


J.   Those that distort God's Word accuse the maturing Christian of walking according to the flesh.  2 Cor 10:2


K.  The Christian walk, while resident in this earthly tent is not to do battle on worldly terms. 2 Cor 10:3-5


L.   Our walk is now to be based on the good works that God designed for us to do. Eph 2:2 ;  2:10


M.  We are to walk in a manner worthy of our calling.  Eph 4:1;  Col. 1:10; 1Thes 2:12


N.  This walk is not characterized by Scar Tissue to sin. Eph 4:17-20


O.  This walk is characterized by love. Eph 5:2; 2 Jn 1:6


P.  This walk is characterized by wisdom. Eph 5:15



Q.  Paul exhorted the Philippians to  follow the example,  to imitate his walk and others  whose pattern of life reflected the same characteristics. Phil 3:17


R.  The walk of the believer who is consistently out of fellowship is an enemy of the  cross of Christ. Phil 3:18-19


S.  Our conduct towards others, that is unbelievers, is to be characterized by wisdom  walk wisely "seizes the moment" to evangelize. Col. 4:5


T.  This walk does not reach a plateau  in the life  of the Believer, a point where we have arrived, we always will need further instruction. 1Thes 4:1


U.  What we say must be reflected in our walk.  I Jn 2:6

V.  Our walk in truth is observable and therefore has impact!   3 Jn 1:3-4


W.  Those who "live" the Christian Life, will walk with our Lord Jesus Christ.  Rev 3:4