Lesson  53 October 9, 2002

Intro Review:




5:10  Paul's attitude towards them

Here we find a strong affirmation of Paul’s confidence in the midst of these distressing circumstances. We need to understand the nature and the basis of Paul’s confidence.


First, Paul is confident concerning the final decision of the Galatian Christians.


Second, Paul is confident that God will deal justly with those Judaizers who had caused so much trouble in the Galatian churches.


I have confidence in you in the Lord,




that you will adopt no other view;





What about the false teacher?

but the one who is disturbing you shall bear his judgment, whoever he is.




God will deal with him, in his time, in an appropriate manor for teaching false doctrine.



Summary 5:10

1.  Paul expresses his confidence that they will rid themselves of the leaven of the Judaizers.



2.   We should not  be troubled by those who wish to harm us for doing what is right.         1 Pet 3:14


3.  Paul is also convinced that the ones spreading the false doctrine, the legalism among the churches will be disciplined by the Lord for it. 



5:11  An Accusation against Paul and His observation.

But I, brethren, if I still preach circumcision, why am I still persecuted?




His conclusion:

Then the stumbling block of the cross has been abolished.




To the Jews the cross always was a stumbling block,  ska,ndalon  a cause for stumbling.





Mentioned also in 1 Cor 1:23.   [rabbit trail]

"To the Jews a stumbling block"





If we look at it purely from the standpoint of human nature, human wisdom there are several things that make it offensive!

#1 - Cross underscores the gravity of man's problem in relation to God, his sin and all that separates man in unbelief form God.  [barrier]



#2 - It underscores mans helplessness, total inability to save himself.



#3 - Since our salvation is in the cross work of Christ it is offensive because the cross leaves no room for the pride of human accomplishment.





*** The enemy of the Cross for the Jew was His religious pride but for the non-Jewish world, the Gentiles it was intellectual pride.




Summary 5:11

1.  Paul was obviously charged with compromising the truth by the Judaizers in that he was still  teaching the necessity of circumcision for salvation.



2.  Actually,  since the Judaizers were persecuting Paul it indicates that he had not compromised the truth, the message of grace.



3.  Subscribing to salvation by works, or legalism (product of sin nature domination) or works to maintain our relationship with God as believers renders the work of Christ on the Cross ineffective.



4.  The offense of the cross is the fact that Christ's work is totally sufficient.



5.  Man's pride and arrogance causes him to be offended when he discovers that his own works are worthless.




a.  Rem. we as believers have 2 potential rulers of life,  they dominate by impacting our thinking and therefore our actions.

 1. The indwelling Holy Spirit along with the mind of Christ, the Word. (producing the character of Christ.)   DGP

 2. The indwelling SIN NATURE which is programmed with a knowledge of good (human) and evil (Rom 6:12). HuGP



b.  Know that at any time that one of the 2 rulers of life is ruling,  and you determine through your choices which one is!




6.  Not only are man's works rejected by God as sufficient to satisfy His holiness, but these works become the basis of his eternal condemnation.              Rom 4:4; cf.                     Rev. 20:11-14         



7.   When works are added to the grace message of the Cross, it neutralizes the offense of the cross and it prevents the unbeliever from seeing Christ.