Lesson 43 September  15, 2002


4:17-20  Expose' of the False Teachers' motive in contrast to Paul's

4:17 They eagerly seek you  that is the Judaizers, the legalists.





but they wish to shut you out so that you will seek them.




False teachers, as the Judaizers are, actively seek to be the total focus of their followers,  since they are motivated by  ego, power and approbation lust.



Paul continues in 4:18

But it is good   [kalo,j   honorable]  always to be eagerly sought in a commendable [honorable]  manner,  [that is as you are by me in our dealings]   and not only when I am present with you.  [always the same] 




1.  The Judaizers were actively seeking  to influence the Galatians, their methods and motivation Paul says was not honorable.


2.  Paul only seeks a relationship with the Galatians on the basis of truth, which he will not compromise in order to gain a following.


3.  Paul's zeal for them has not changed since he was with them, has been consistent.


4:19 Paul's goal stated

My children, with whom I am again in labor until Christ is formed in you--






with whom I am again in labor   wvdi,nw  is used for the pain of child birth, birth pangs or labor pains;   but is also used of great pain or travail





until Christ is formed in you 





Summary 4:19

1.  The Galatian believers are Paul's children 2 ways:

#1  Sense of spiritual fatherhood have communicated  the Gospel to them which they believed.   1 Cor. 4:15;   [Phile. 10]

#2  As an apostle Paul has the responsibility for their spiritual growth.

-  takes it seriously


2.  Great pain an anguish was experienced by Paul as they moved away truth towards the legalism of the Judaizers.


3.  As a believer we are to have a pregnant soul, that is impregnated with doctrine.          Jas. 1:21; 



4.  The point Paul is making here is that they as well as each of us need to present a true representation of Christ in our life as we live day by day.


5.  It is one thing to see grace in the cross and to receive eternal life apart from law.


6.  It is another thing to see grace in the cross so as to motivate us to become spiritually mature apart from law.


7.  Paul does not seek that they simply "look" or "act" like Christ but to be like Christ from the inside-out.


8.  While being justified before God (salvation) involves only one decision (which is the single most important one for any member of the human race), maturity involves many decisions.


9.  The practice of legalism indicates a lack of the indwelling of Christ and as a result no application of doctrine.


10.  Paul's exhortation related to his desire for them that Christ be formed in them indicates (documents) that this indwelling of Christ is not positional, therefore not simultaneous with salvation as is indwelling of Holy Spirit.


11.  The point is that this indwelling of Christ is related to one's knowledge of the truth, doctrine in you, and your application of it in life.