Lesson 38 September 3, 2002







We have confidence/assurance of sons and its related to the Holy Spirit and His ministry to us.   Rom 8:16




-   The witness of the Holy Spirit to this reality that we're  children/sons of God is not a subjective one based on emotion;    feelings; Its based on objective truth.





Our heirship as sons

-   As a believer, as a son,  you are an heir of God, not only that, you are also fellow heirs with Christ!



Basic Elements involved with Heirship!


1.  Heirship is determined by relationship!



2.   Heirship is initiated by death.   Heb 9:16-17



3.   Heirship is also defined as a partnership.   Rom. 8:17



4.   Heirship, future aspect, is described by Peter in 1 Pet 1:3-4.



5.   Heirship is characterized by suffering,  Rom 8:17b


6.   Heirship culminates in glorification - :17c