Lesson 37  September  1, 2002

What about this adoption, &  being an heir

Galatians 4:4-7;  Romans 8:15-17


The adoption of sons




Contrast between the spirit of slavery and the spirit of adoption!




We're not brought into the family of God, as His sons in order to live in a state of servitude or slavery.



-   The concept of adoption , as Paul uses it here, is derived from Roman law.







-   Definition of ui`oqesi,a  its a forensic legal term and it speaks of an objective standing, or position that we as believer's have with God.


Observations on Adoption 


1.   The practice of adoption in Rome:  it was all within the family; not so involved as today, quite common.


2.   Another procedure for adoption, this one is for the one who had no heir or was not satisfied that one of his own progeny was qualified to be his heir.



3.   Consequences of this adoption under Roman law.

a.   The adoptee was taken out of a relationship and put into a new one with a new patria potestas, a new father, a new authority;

All previous relationships were severed;


b.   Under the law, the old life of the adopted person was wiped out; all debts and obligations were canceled.

He was considered a new person, entering into a new life with    which the past had nothing to do.

c.   The adoptee became heir of his new father's estate.

d.   In the eyes of the law he was absolutely the son of his new father.

e.   The new father was owner of all the adoptee's possessions.

f.    New father had the right and authority to control the adoptee's behavior and relationships.


Stages of Adoption

     #1  destruction of the old paternal power, patria potestas

     #2  establishment of the new authority, new potestas


Spiritual Application of the Truth of Adoption




1.  Adoption is the act of God placing "His born ones" into an adult   standing in the family.



2.   Since we are now adult sons we are able to draw on the Fathers wealth, the spiritual blessings in Christ, and are able to exercise all the privileges of sonship.



3.   There is also a future aspect to our adoption; related to the return of Christ and our receiving our resurrection bodies. Rom 8:22-23




In both passages Gal. 4:6 and in Rom. 8:15b  we have an indication of the intimacy of this relationship as sons.


Rom 8:15       "by which we cry out, "Abba! Father!"

Gal. 4:6   God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!"