Lesson  31  August 18, 2002

Summary of 3:21 continued

10.  That man cannot solve his problem is seen in that the Wages of sin is death, spiritual death, separation from God.  Rom. 6:23

a.  Therefore man is under the a death penalty as an unbeliever.

b.  God does not accept the good works of man, man's righteousness as payment for this death penalty.

c.  Only the Work of Christ on the Cross can satisfy the righteous demands of God's holiness.

d.  So He took our place on the cross, satisfied the holiness of God and offers to everyone a salvation totally on the basis of Grace.

e.  This accrues to us by faith, faith alone in Christ alone!


11.  Need to REM: the principle: The Law kills, but the Spirit gives life.  2 Co 3:5-6


12.  Nothing from the source of the flesh can impart life.  John 6:63



3:22  Why  the Law could not give life!

But the Scripture has shut up everyone under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.






What has the Scripture done?

has shut up everyone under sin,     how many?



Where is man shut up/confined?




Purpose for confining all under sin.

so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.








Summary 3:22

1.  Rightly dividing the Scripture, especially the Law, demonstrates clearly that all mankind are under the authority of sin, born into the slave market.



2.  The reality of our slave status is obvious as we commit personal sins, the fruit of the sin nature ruling our life as UB's.


3.  Since  mankind is totally helpless to provide his own solution to his dilemma, that he is under the penalty of death, he must look to the only solution and that is in Jesus Christ.


4.  Only those who believe will receive the promise, their  new creation status, being regenerated and having Eternal life, and righteousness credited to their account.


3:23 Expands his thought related to the Purpose of the Law.

Note:  Paul  is speaking specifically of his time frame, his and the Galatians' experience  related to Salvation;  it was unique in that they were a part of 2 dispensations.


But before faith came,









So what is Paul saying,  that prior to the 1st advent and the cross;

we were kept in custody under the law,









being shut up to the faith which was later to be revealed.