Lesson 25 August 4, 2002







Biblical Faith is Non-Meritorious

Biblical faith is not a work, it is the one thing you can do without doing anything

(cf. John 6:27-29; His commandment   1 Jn. 3:23; Rom. 4:4-5).




Faith is the only way that is consistent with grace!  (Rom 4:16a)




(1)  Faith is an admission of one's spiritual inability and helplessness to merit or work for salvation or as a believer to handle our own life apart from God's grace provision as revealed in the New Testament  (Rom. 4:1-5;  Eph. 2:8,9;  Titus 3:5;  Gal. 2:20).





(2)  Faith is a rejection or repudiation of any confidence in  the flesh (Phil. 3:1-9; see also Jer. 17:5-9; Rom. 3:9-24).






(3)  Therefore, recognizing one's helplessness and the sufficiency of Christ, biblical faith rests in God's  complete and finished work and provision in Jesus Christ or  Christ's merit (Rom. 4:4-5, 16; 11:6; Heb. 4:10).





Faith is Not Necessarily Demonstrated by What You are Doing for God.



The issue is what is the motivation.

Phil. 2:12-13;  4:13