Lesson 5  June 16, 2002


Summary   1:11-12

1.  Paul is reminding them of a very important basic point of doctrine, that is that the Gospel is not of human origin.  2 Pet 1:20-21


2.  The thrust of the context indicates that Paul's critics had attacked his lack of access to Jesus Christ during His earthly ministry.


3.  Paul counters the attack made with 2 arguments:

      #1  his commission as an apostle was from Jesus Christ and God the Father  1:1

      #2  his message communicated had its source in direct revelation from Jesus Christ.

       Note: this at the time was verifiable through the function of the spiritual gifts in the church before the completion of the canon.



4.  My conclusion here is that Paul was personally taught by the resurrected Christ.


2.  Paul's Gospel Was not Received Medially from Man 1:13-24

a.  His Gospel Was Received Apart from His Past Learning 1:13-14









Summary vs:13-14

1. Paul's reputation before his conversion of being zealously anti-Christian was very well known.  Acts 9:21,26

2. Paul had the responsibility to deliver Jewish believers in Christ to the Chief Priests for the violation of the law, that is blasphemy. Acts 26:9-11

3. Paul was a one man crusade to crush the infant church.

4. With his knowledge of the traditions of the Pharisees plus his genius and zeal he was led to excel over all his contemporaries.


5. After his conversion on the Damascus road he became a most formidable foe of the Pharisees and their false beliefs. 


6.  We must be on guard even today for there are false teachers out there with very slick messages that attempt to add to the Gospel not only some requirement for salvation and also for those who are saved some unbiblical addition as a means for growing and living as believers.



b.  Paul's  Gospel was received apart from contact with other apostles  1:15-17

He first recognizes God's timing in his call. 









Rem: when you think of grace you need to remember that it describes the principle upon which God always operates in relationship to mankind.




That Paul stresses grace here is important since the Galatians were being conned by these slick Judaizers into thinking that grace was not sufficient either for obtaining salvation or for living the Christian life after salvation.   










Why this direct revelation to Paul?

so that I might preach Him among the Gentiles,   [purpose clause]





Events after the Damascus Road - his salvation





Summary of 1:15-17

1.  We find Paul here recognizing Divine timing in his life.

2.  Paul was called through grace and given a vision of the resurrected Christ on the Damascus road.


3.  Paul also recognized that he was in the office not on the basis of his own merit or by association with others.


4.  What can we say about Paul,  he had been positive at God consciousness so that God kept him alive until the time when the circumstances of his life and the gospel presentation would bear fruit in belief of the gospel message.






5.  Since Paul's instruction was direct via revelation he did not consult or seek approval of others.  [wasn't necessary]


6.  We find here also Paul's goal and objective of ministry as an apostle, in order that I many proclaim Him among the Gentiles.


7.  Paul was given the correct spiritual gift, apostleship, so that he was able to fulfill  his ministry as God intended.



8.  Paul spent from the Summer of 35 into the Summer of 37 in the desert of Arabia going to Seminary I believe taught by Christ.  Vs:12

-  the fruit of this time is the Doctrine we have here and in Romans and the epistles.