Lesson #2   June 2, 2002








The Greeting 1:3

Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ,


The greeting to the Galatian churches is unlike any other.




The legalism of the Galatians was a serious matter, and Paul deals with legalism very severely,  more so than any other problem faced by the church.




As stated here grace and peace come from a single divine source.




The Significance of this short greeting for the Galatian believers is that as they respond to the teaching of the Judaizers and their legalism they are moving away from living in the sphere of grace and realizing the peace, the contentment that should be theirs as advancing believers whose life is centered on Christ.


1:4-5  The basis of the grace and peace

Paul's Doctrine is clearly proclaimed in these 2 verses and sets him at variance with  three of the leading denials of le­galism promoted by the Judaizers  and being increasingly bought by the Galatians.


a.  Legalism Denies the Significance of Christ's Death     1:4a

who gave Himself for our sins,


Legalism attempts to merit God's blessing on the basis of man's works rather than Christ's work.




b.  Legalism Denies the Purpose of Christ's Death   1:4b

that He might deliver us





The phrase  this present evil age describes that from which the death of Christ was intended to free us.



Paul wishes us to experience the freedom brought by the death of Christ; we  also know that it is true that it is only by knowing and heeding His plan, living in the sphere of His will,  that this freedom is realized in our lives.



c. Legalism Denies the Glory of God   1:5

to whom be the glory forevermore. Amen.










Summary to this point!

1.  This epistle to the  Galatian Churches is written for their benefit and just like Paul's authority and office has as its ultimate source God not man. 1:11-12


2.  He brings to their attention (something they knew, but under the influence of these Judaizers had lost track of) that it is the atoning death of Jesus Christ on the Cross that is the only basis of Salvation.


3.  His death on the Cross was voluntary, final, and satisfied God's +R , the demands of Holiness against sinful man.  1 Tim. 2:6; Titus 2:14



4.  The Gospel is an emancipating message that Paul says here rescues and delivers  us from the penalty and power of sin as well as the influence of this present evil age.


5.  The initial deliverance is in response to faith in the Gospel, the point of salvation. Positional deliverance which is eternal. 

Sins forgiven, given eternal life, imputed the +R of God and as a result stand justified.


6.  We are also delivered in time, in our life from the power of sin, the OSN's dominance and rulership over us has been broken. 








7.  The ultimate deliverance (future)  will be when the trump sounds and we're raised in a new body to meet Him in the air at the rapture.


8.  As free men/women in Christ we are to be slaves of righteousness not the sin nature or human viewpoint the input from the evil age.