Lesson 71

Study of First Peter Chapter 4





4:16 Shifts from deserved back to underserved suffering!

Our reaction to Suffering as a Christian

but if anyone suffers as a Christian,



Here the suffering is "as a Christian"  (Cristiano,j)  a term that is used to refer to those who have believed in Christ, at the time not so common but was used to distinguish them from Jews and Pagans.  


The believers reaction to UNDSF is important to Peter, so much so he states a negative as well as a positive reaction.

First the negative,  he is not to be ashamed,



Now the positive: but is to glorify God in this name.  

By utilizing the grace resources that we have available to us even in the midst of UNDSF we are able to glorify God.



The point Peter is making is that their reaction and ours should be not one of shame  but is to glorify God  (doxa,zw) [pres act imp]  to praise, to honor, to magnify, to glorify.


When we face a test or UNDSF and pass it by utilizing the grace resources, that is applying the truth we know, the strength that God supplies you are glorifying God.


4:16 But if anyone suffers as a Christianos; he is not to be ashamed (react - disoriented) but is to glorify God in this name.



1. Even though the ones calling them Christianos may have meant it negatively, used it derogatorily all to cause them shame, the advancing believer should not be ashamed but consider it an honor to stand with Christ.

2. Reason: because he recognizes that this name refers to character and reputation of Christ who we are in union with, who through His thinking and viewpoint has provided all that we need to deal with this kind of suffering.


3. Need to remember that failure to utilize these resources while facing UNDSF will result in shame in time f2 as well as at the JSC, no DGP. 1 John 2:28


4. We need to continue to seek divine guidance so that we have the wisdom to maintain the constant love  utilizing the DVPT  so that we are able to glorify God in all things.


5. As we faith rest the situation we demonstrate that God's grace is sufficient for us.



4:17-18 The Exercise of God's Judgment in Suffering 


It explains the paradoxical exhortation not to be ashamed of suffering, but to use that situation of suffering to glorify God.


4:17a The explanation of the present ordeal 

For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God;


- As the unique person of the universe, the God/man in hypostatic union now in resurrection body He begins a new phase of judgment.


- As He evaluates the lives of believers in time whether they are blessed or disciplined is not based on the circumstances they are facing but on their reaction to them, how they are dealing with them, that is responding to the refining process of testing, suffering in time.


His justice begins with the church and extends we'll see in the last phrase to the unbeliever.

This is a reminder to them that the God they called "Father" was also their judge.


This judgment is to begin with the household of God;



- If the justice of God operates towards us who are believers in the Church age, those that are sons, what about those who reject the Gospel?  What will be the outcome, the completion for them, (to. te,loj)  the final outcome



- do not obey [pres act ptc] (avpeiqe,w) is a strong word for negative volition to the Gospel;  emphasizes the fact that they heard the message, understood what was communicated but refused to believe it.


** Note: There is no comparison between the suffering/testing endured by the believer while living in f2 to that of the Unbelievers, those who reject the gospel will suffer for all eternity.


4:17 For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first  (and it does),  what will be the final outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?


4:18 Next asks a question; a quote from LXX of Prov. 11:31  


And if it is with difficulty that the righteous is saved,


The main verb here is saved [pres pass ind] (sw,|zw) to deliver, rescue, preserve from harm;  translation here should be to receive deliverance in f2. 


Clearly Peter is addressing issues related to life in Christ, living the Christian life not of f1.

Rem what he said in 1 :6-7?  


What about those that do not obey the gospel, the godless and the sinner?  What is God's justice related to them?

what will become of the godless man and the sinner?


The interrogative pronoun has been translated  what;  it should be translated where or in what place will those in view be revealed, that is the godless and sinners


The first term used is "godless"  (avsebh,j) used exclusively in the NT to refer to the unbeliever, the apeitho of vs 17.

This term godless not only describes the unbeliever but also makes the point that they are totally maladjusted and uncaring about any spiritual truth and are moving away from God in every aspect of their lives.



4:18 And if it is with difficulty that the righteous is delivered (f2),  where will be revealed the godless and the sinner?




1.  We must recognize that it is a constant battle for the righteous believer in time to maintain deliverance from the distortion and corruption of the indwelling sin nature that is always seeking to regain its role as master in our life.


2.  Our only solution is to maintain the E/HS and the isolation of the sin nature and we are able to do this as we consistently take in the word and it’s the application of this DVPT as we walk by the Spirit that dismantles the deceitful appeal of the sin nature.


3.  In our context it is the UNDSF that is the stimulus for application of DVPT and maintaining the correct priorities in life even under pressure.


4.  Must remember that since we all have volition there is always a potential for rejection of the Word which will put the sin nature back in rulership as master.


5.  The godless and sinner here refers to those who refused to believe/obey the gospel the good news that God has provided in Christ the answer to their alienation from Him and they will be revealed again at the GWTJ.