Lesson 68

Study of First Peter Chapter 4


4:12-13  Exhortation to steadfastness as the tests and pressures of life are faced

This paragraph exhorts and instructs Christians concerning the inner response that we  should have to suffering.



Peter is calling for steadfastness on the part of his readers as they encountered persecution and tests in their lives as believers.


His use of present imperatives calls for a resolute inner attitude of steadfastness and joy as they worked through those experiences.  Saw the same kind of exhortation in James 1:2-4.


The conclusion that must be made is that state action is not referred to at all here! 

Three observations support that conclusion:

(1) The writer never speaks of the death of Christians, but of their sufferings; though very painful they were not resulting in death as the state persecutions had.

(2) The accusations mentioned are slander and reproach for living out the faith, but there is no word of intervention by the state.

(3) 5:9 asserts that the same sufferings were shared by other believers everywhere.  


4:12  What our attitude is not to be as we deal with suffering!

Our thinking, specifically our attitude as we face suffering and tests will determine whether we are successful in dealing with them or not.  His point here is that steadfastness to the truth of the Word known is what is needed.


Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, 

Peter is categorically prohibiting a wrong response.  Know this by his use of the present imperative plus the negative!


The present imperative with the negative (mh.  xeni,zw) forbids the continued reaction, a natural one to most, to regard the experience as something strange or alien to the Christian life.


Remember Jesus said that If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you! John 15:20


at the fiery ordeal among you  (pu,rwsij)  lit. among you a process of burning which speaks of the undeserved suffering that these believers are experiencing

- remember that UNDSF is a part of the refining process to clear away the dross of human viewpoint to test whether we are indeed going to trust Him in that test.  (1:6-7)


The key word in the first phrase is testing  (peirasmo,j)  this word is often translated temptation.

The thrust of the word is to test to discover whether there is good / evil or strength or weakness is in a person or a thing.


Basically the test or UNDSF is designed to evaluate our thinking, do we have DVPT  and are we going to use it in this situation whatever it is. Are we going to trust God!


as though some strange thing were happening to you 


As believers we will face various trials and tests or as I often refer to them as CHP's and how we deal with them says volumes about where we're at spiritually.


What we must remember that there is a purpose for these tests in life, God is not making a mistake by allowing these things to occur to us. 


4:12 Beloved, stop being surprised at the refining fire (UNDSF) among you which comes upon you for the purpose of testing you (advantage) as though some strange thing was happening to you.


Some Observations

1. God in His faithfulness provides the means of enduring, the patient endurance, the means of handling the tests/circ that are sure to come.    1 Cor 10:13




- The provision, DOA's are always by a grace means.


2.  Since the provision is by grace, the implication then is that facing and passing these tests has nothing to do with our background, genetics - lineage, academics - education/training, natural skills/abilities but is totally related to the content of your soul and your use of it as you deal with the circumstances you face.


3. At some point we must learn that human resources are totally inadequate to handle the tests of life. (seduction of sin nature is that they are)


4. Every test is an opportunity to apply BD and produce divine good which will be rewarded at the JSC.

4:13 Our attitude while under suffering - rejoicing, having inner happiness!

But" (avlla,) marks a sharp contrast between the wrong attitude that Peter censured in vs:12 and the attitude he enjoined here in verse 13.


to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing,

to the degree that  (kaqo,)  adverb of degree or extent  -  in so far as, in the measure that" - tells us that not all the readers had been called to suffer as Christians to the same extent.


you share  is the verb (koinwne,w) (pres act ind 2nd pl)  to share in, to fellowship with, to participate with


the sufferings of Christ 


- He endured UNDSF as the object of the world's hatred. 


Sharing His suffering falls into 2 categories 1st is related to positional truth.


Secondly in time, f2, Believers will also experience UNDSF to different degrees, there are a number of factors that enter into this, spiritual maturity and genetics are two major ones.  


Prin: UNDSF is designed to stimulate the application of truth and therefore growth.


We need to remember that the Lord knows what He's doing when we utilize the grace resources it demonstrates once again the His grace is sufficient for any all situations.


But to the degree that you share in the sufferings of Christ,


Rabbit trail Phil 3:10

3:10  He continues the thought and amplifies what he begun in verse 8 with the statement "...the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord."

 The emphasis now shifts to Ph-2 our life as a believer.


   "that I may know Him" > ginwskw (aor pass inf)  inf  expresses purpose

- It is Paul's stated purpose to know Christ as it should be for every believer.

- ?? is what does knowing, ginwskw, emphasize.