Lesson 66

Study of First Peter Chapter 4


Rabbit Trail - 1 Cor 13:4-7  The Characteristics of Love

1. 13:4  Love's Unselfishness. 

2. Love's Conduct  13:5-6

3. Love's Optimism  13:7

     Love bears all things


Idea here is that love covers, love keeps a confidence.


- A secondary meaning of ste,gw is to endure, to put up with.


- Love then is the kind of quality in a relationship with others that tends to not broadcast ones weakness, and tends not to broadcast ones sins;  it covers and protects.


Love believes all things

- What Paul is not saying here is that love is gullible in the sense of easily being duped.


- What he is saying is that Love puts the best construction on things; it is the idea that in doubtful cases, love would rather be generous in his conclusion than to suspect something unjustly.


- When love has no evidence, it believes the best.


   Love Hopes all things    (evlpi,zw)

- Love is not pessimistic;  its optimistic.


- Paul does not link optimism to personality traits, its presence or absence is linked to the characteristic of love being operational in the life.


Love Endures all things

- Here we have the word for patient endurance with reference to the details of life, the circumstances of life which all of us will face in our niche.



- not the idea of being obstinate regardless of the facts or reality.

- nor is it a gutting it out, a passive resignation, its an active positive thing.


- So love stands against overwhelming opposition and refuses to stop bearing, or stop believing or stop hoping.   Love will not stop loving.


   13:13 The Superiority of Love


- This verse is often used to attempt to show that love is superior to everything, including truth.


- What Paul is saying is that Love is the highest Christian virtue.


- Having described the characteristics of love in the immediate context he now says that love as a Christian virtue is a fundamental and basic quality of the believers character.


- If we are evaluating whether one is living the CWOL or not what do we look for?



1.  Love should never be evaluated in terms of sentiment or feeling; love is to be judged by actions; it is not what love says, it is what love does.


2.  We are to "walk in love" as imitators of God; as His progeny.  Eph 5:1-2  


3.  If we walk in love then we will be manifesting the fruit of the spirit. Gal 5:22


4. There is a relationship between faith and hope in our lives.  - Heb 11:1



5. Faith and hope are related to our confidence in the integrity of God.



6. Love is enduring and what it produces will endure. (DGP)


7. 1 Cor 13 shows us that Christianity has standards and norms of conduct unmatched by any of the religions of the world.

Back to 1 Pet 4:9

4:9  An example of this fervent love applied  

Be hospitable to one another without complaint.


- this exhortation was not to just any stranger who might knock on your door, but as noted in the next word its to be directed towards other believers.


- and we're to do this without complaint  goggusmo,j  murmur, grumble or complain

This is added as a reminder that hospitality can be an exasperating chore, to be shouldered cheerfully if it is to be worthwhile.


4:10-11  The duty of mutual service, or exhortation to the proper use of our spiritual gifts.


As each one has received a special gift,


What has each one received?  a special gift  ca,risma, refers to a gift freely given, with no strings;  


We are exhorted to use our spiritual gifts in serving one another


We are to apply these spiritual gifts as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.

- adjective good   kalo,j  good, noble and worthy in contrast to what is worthless and of no value


the manifold grace of God  As good stewards applying the spiritual gifts as appropriate we are actually managing the manifold grace of God.


- recognizes that God's grace provision is multifaceted and will meet the need.



4:10 Just as each one has received a gift (spiritual gift) employ it in ministering to one another as good stewards of the many faceted grace of God.