Lesson 61

Study of First Peter Chapter 4


4:2  The goal or objective in appropriating the same attitude and thinking as Christ

so as to live the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for the lusts of men, but for the will of God.


What will be stated here is the result of arming ourselves with His thinking, that is DVPT and maintaining the isolation of the sin nature.


What Peter is doing here in order to motivate them to maintain their spiritual momentum is to challenge them to remember the past, that is from where God has brought them and also to look ahead to living in the sphere of the will of God. 



- this refers to the remaining time, the period of time we have in f2, in other words the allotment of time God gives us.


- Categories of lust patterns

1. sexual lust - 1 Ths 4:3-5

2. monetary or details of life - 1 Tim 6:9-10

3. approbation or power lust  - 1 Cor 1:29; 3:21

4. flee youthful lusts - 2 Tim 2:22 

5. pleasures of this life - Lk 8:14

6. abnormal or corrupt desires - 2 Pet 2:10


He draws a strong distinction between who they were before salvation, before believing in Christ, before becoming a new creation in Christ and who they are now.


If we have armed ourselves with the viewpoint and thinking of Christ, coupled with the empowering of the Holy Spirit we no longer have to live dominated by the sin nature with its varied lust patterns.


but for the will of God.

- but  avlla,   strong contrast between living dominated by the sin nature and living out the will of God which is to their advantage. 


4:2 So as to spend your life, the remaining time in the flesh (your allotment) no longer in the lusts of man (sin nature) but in the will of God (which is our advantage).



1. There is no way anyone who is in the flesh, that is under the domination of the sin nature is able to live in a manner to please God.  Rom 8:8


2. Our ability to please God and to walk in His will is limited by the extent of our frame of reference of truth, the faith in us and our willingness to apply it.


3. We need to remember that the function of the sin nature is totally repugnant to God.


4. Therefore time spent in f2 living dominated by the sin nature is time wasted, the objective of the CWOL is to live conformed to the image of Christ so that we can maximize the freedom we have in Christ. (Gal 5:1)


5.  This freedom becomes a reality experientially in our lives,  f2,  only when the Holy Spirit is empowering the life.   2 Cor. 3:17;   Rom. 8:2-4


6.  Functionally what does this freedom say to us?  That we as believers are no longer a slave to our sin nature with its lust patterns and human good. It no longer has to rule or dominate our life.  Rom 6:16, 18


7.  Only standing firm in the Word of God, knowing and applying its truths, will keep you from becoming enmeshed in this yoke of slavery, that is, becoming enslaved to the sin nature which has ramifications in every aspect of life.


4:3-6  Peter gives them three reasons to motivate them to appropriate the needed resources that is the divine viewpoint of life  so that they have the capacity to endure the suffering that they're facing (vv. 3-6).


4:3 The past

- "for" (gar) explanatory from vs:2   So as to spend your life, the remaining time in the flesh (your allotment) no longer in the lusts of man (sin nature) but in the will of God (which is our advantage).


4:3  For the time already past is sufficient (for you) to have carried out the desire of the Gentiles,


Its interesting that Peter uses 3 perfect tense verbs in this verse that put the emphasis on the fact that for these believers the past is a closed chapter.


In the thinking or the minds of their pagan friends there had been more than enough time to have dulled these believers enthusiasm  for the word, for their new relationship with Christ and to return to their old pattern of life.


The remainder of the verse describes how the desire of these Gentiles was worked out in practice:

sensuality, lusts, drunkenness, carousing, drinking parties and abominable idolatries.


#1 sensuality  avse,lgeia  speaks of unbridled or unrestrained living; the word was used to describe one who knows no restraints, no boundaries in life.

#2 lusts   evpiqumi,a  a common word to refer to the lust patterns of the sin nature

#3 drunkenness  oivnoflugi,a  lit means wine bubbling up, therefore drunkedness; refers to someone who uses every opportunity to get drunk

#4 carousing  kw/moj  originally had a good connotation or usage since it referred to a band of friends who accompanied a victor in the games on his way home and who rejoiced sang his praises as the went.


#5 drinking parties - po,toj used for drunken orgies 

#6 abominable idolatries avqe,mitoj (adj)  unrighteous or lawless  eivdwlolatri,a

- Peter concludes the picture by pointing to the taproot of the evils portrayed, idolatry which ties their "religious" practice to the list of sins that are in view.



As the only item in the list qualified by an adjective, the concluding designation underlines the nefarious nature of idolatry.  From God's vpt!


4:4 Present opposition  Read

In all this,  (loc + rel pronoun) in regard to which = refers to the abandonment of the previous pattern of life,

they are surprised that you do not run with them


- what this should remind us of is that those in your periphery, friends, family are all observing you



What is it that they are surprised or astonished about? 

that you do not run with them  suntre,cw (pres act Ptc) the idea is to run together, our phrase today would be to run with the crowd, to get wrapped up in the same FSH that they are in!


into the same excesses of dissipation, and they malign you;



Their pagan friends just could not understand, it was beyond their comprehension that these believers did not and would not return to the same FSH, the same excess of riotous living that they were wrapped up in!



Their reaction is:  and they malign you  blasfhme,w


4:4 in regard to which (failure to return to a previous pattern of life) they consider it strange that you do not run together toward the same excess of riotous living and they blaspheme you.



1. Once again we have here the basis of Peter's writing to these believer's in Asia minor:  exhortation to stand firm, keep on doing what is right, applying the Word even though they are being slandered and blasphemed.

- 2:12;  3:16


2. As we have seen in the previous context these  believers have done nothing to warrant such an attack therefore what they are undergoing here is UNDSF.


3. What has happened here is that their pagan neighbors and friends have  judged the life of these believers and found them to be out of line with their own standards and respond by blaspheming them.


4. A changed life often invokes hostility from the cosmos, that is those you deal with out in the culture because it is an indictment of them and their rejection of the gospel as unbelievers or their negative volition to truth as a reversionistic believer.


5. Peter now reminds these believers that those who pagans who are blaspheming them will themselves be judged (vs:5) so let God handle it.