Lesson 50

Study of First Peter Chapter 3


Continue rabbit trail in Jas 3

3:7-8 The untameableness of the Tongue

For every species of beasts and birds, of reptiles and creatures of the sea is tamed,



and has been tamed by the human race 


- Its rather ironic that man can subdue the animal kingdom but is not able to subdue that small part of his body - the tongue.


3:8 Continues

But no one can tame the tongue;


- that is no one has inherently within them self, from their own resources the ability to subdue the tongue.


*** What is hopeless for anyone when the sin nature rules can become a reality when God's grace provisions and power are utilized in life.


James paints two very vivid pictures of this untamed, uncontrolled tongue when he says  it is a restless evil and full of deadly poison.


The adjective restless (avkata,statoj)  implies a caged animal,  one who is not subdued and ever pacing uneasily back and forth.


and full of deadly poison  - adj  qanathfo,roj = death bearing

- poison = ivo,j  great term for the destructive force of the tongue which is seen very clearly in a gossip and maligning others


Summary  3:7-8

1. Man displays an amazing and often ingenious ability to dominate and subdue the animal world and yet under his own power is unable to tame his own tongue.


2. It is also a part of the POG for man to be subdued - domesticated - that is, to live under His authority.


3. Man has no inherent ability to control his tongue which as James notes is a major source of evil.


4. The only sure control of the tongue comes from the exercise of wisdom one acquires from BD - from above.  [see this coming up in vs:13ff]


5. Just as animals are trained by a higher being, so man must also be aided by a higher being, God,  if he is to rise above the natural  trends & influences of the sin nature.


6. We must recognize that there are many situations - conditions of life that that we'll never control without God's assistance.


7. God has the inherent power and resources to help anyone with any problem. 


8. James pictures here the tongue that is restless, unstable, unreliable and constantly prone to break out in vicious speech.


9. Its impact on those around you is like a deadly poison. (destructive to others)

Ps 140:3; Rom 3:13


10. By itself the tongue is only able to produce dead works.


11. The cure for S/O/T is:

a. to have God's viewpoint - His wisdom and to use it; God's way of aiding us.

b. If one sin's against you - object of S/O/T - what to do?

    Mt 18:15-17 gives some guidelines


12. There is great blessing for the one who utilizes the grace resources and controls the tongue.   Ps 34:12-13 


Back to 1 Peter 3

3:10 For the one who desires to love life and see beneficial days (f2)  let him stop his tongue from the source of evil and his lips from speaking deceit.



1. Our objective, our motivation in f2 is to stand before Jesus Christ at the JSC irreprehensible, that is bringing max glory to God through our life.


2. To desire to love life and see beneficial days is not an emphasis on long life but on whatever time is allotted to you by God to be productive and meaningful in the plan of God.

3. The believer whose life is productive and meaningful is the one whose priorities are established by doctrine and therefore consistently producing DG.           Prov 3:13-14


4. So what Peter is doing here is to give us some guidelines  in areas where believers are easily side tracked from the objective in life occupation with Christ and obedience to the will of God.


5. The 5 characteristics of vs:8 when evidenced will keep you from evil and speaking deceitfully.


6. Review: Several commands or royal imperatives that we've covered so far in the context.

a. don't get into revenge tactics, let God handle them

Rem: Vengeance is mine I will repay says the Lord.

b. Do not return insult for insult (verbal abuse).

- very destructive as is all S/T.

c. Stop the tongue from the source of evil by maintaining your walk by the spirit.


3:11  Shutting off the source of evil takes choices

He must turn away from evil and do good; 


- here the focus is on making decisions consistent with truth so that you properly evaluate a situation and separate from what is evil or sinful; primary focus here is on some s/o/t


- the good here is that which is morally good and constructive, that is divine good.


This is followed by a third & fourth command - he must seek peace and pursue it.


- this peace is the result of application of BD in the various circumstances in life but especially here  when we're under pressure from verbal assault 


- fulfillment of these commands is a characteristic of the one who desires to love life and see beneficial days.

3:12 The divine response - a comfort and an encouragement to the persecuted believer 


For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous

This indicates more than just seeing,  its reminding us that He observes and is looking out for the good of the righteous believer.


This would speak of experiential righteousness that is living out the truth known and using it in the various situations of persecution experienced.



And His ears attend to their prayer,   (de,hsij)  a request, petitionary prayer with the emphasis on having a need



Now the other side of the coin "But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil."



- those who do, keep on doing, evil  -  this speaks of continually living and functioning under the sin nature's rulership


3:12  Because the eyes of the Lord (OmSc) are upon the righteous (experiential f2)  and His ears attend to their petition, but the face of the Lord is against those who keep doing evil (persistent sin nature activity will be dealt with in His timing).