Lesson 46

Study of First Peter Chapter 3




3:6  Just as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, whose children you have become by doing what is right and not being frightened by any intimidation.



1. Sarah by her acclimation to her niche in responding to the authority of Abraham becomes a classic example of the believing wife.


2. Believing wives today are to follow her example and by doing so become her children. (Sarah's daughters)


3. This is to be the case even for those wives who have husbands who are negative and hostile to the gospel.


4. You are to isolate fear when you are face to face with his moments of antagonism.    1 Pet 3:6  "and not being frightened by any intimidation." 


5. There may come a point at which you will have to draw the line when it comes to being submissive.

a. Principal among which is if he absolutely forbids you to pursue your MPR.                2 Pet 3:18

b. If he orders you to become involves in sin nature activity (drunkenness, orgies, crime, etc.)

c. Or if he threatens your life.

d. Otherwise you are to obey him.  "casting your cares on the Lord" , even if he is unjust. 



3:7  Peter shifts to focus on the obligations of the Husbands - believing types 

It is a brief but very comprehensive statement of the duties of the Christian husband.


Generally, the Christian husband could expect his wife to follow him in his acceptance of the gospel.  


You husbands in the same way


- The point is that husbands need to realize the responsibility they have related to the exercise of authority within the marriage relationship.


- The motivation is the same for both, that is the Spirit and the Word to do what is right in that relationship.


live with your wives in an understanding way, 


- in an understanding way  (kata gnw/sij) lit.  its according to knowledge; 


- what this refers to is having a conscious sensitivity to divine viewpoint as the guide in the marriage relationship as well as using good ole fashioned common sense and reason.


as with someone weaker, since she is a woman;

- the comparative adjective translated weaker here (avsqenh,j) refers to physically, it does not refer to morally, spiritually or intellectually weaker


- The word is vessel (skeu/oj)  as used here refers to the physical body. Both the husband and the wife are created in the image of God and are to be vessels of God.


- The recognition of her greater weakness is not derogatory, and does not imply any inferiority at all.


show her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life,

- The husbands' second duty toward their wives is to "treat them with respect" more literally, "assigning honor" to them.


as a fellow heir of the grace of life,  the comparative clause that goes with granting her honor


- this is an important theological term

- we're (both) fellow heirs through the gospel  Eph 3:6

- this term refers to our position in Christ  Rom 8:17 


Benefit or result for the husband who applies these imperatives in his relationship with his wife.

so that your prayers will not be hindered.


- so that your prayers, your petitions will not be impeded (evgko,ptw)  along with the negative;

- the idea here is to have an obstacle in the path that hinders your spiritual advance



1. Peter expresses here the importance of the husband's responsibility in marriage to maintain that relationship according to the standard of knowledge, DVPT.


2. Doctrine teaches here that the principle is that the woman is the weaker vessel and as such is due special honor and respect.

3. Paganism tended then and now to exploit the woman by placing heavy burdens upon her.


4. The husband should always be sensitive to and take into consideration this physiological aspect of the weaker vessel.

5. He should also show to her honor and respect as a partner in the plan of God without which he limits his spiritual life.


6. We as husbands are to show this honor and respect since we are both fellow heirs of the grace of life.

7. This heirship aspect is very important.

a. As a believer, both are a "sons",  an heir of God, not only that, you both are also fellow heirs with Christ!


b. Thinking of heirship we need to remember that what belongs to Him belongs to you!  How much is that?


c. This is what heirship is all about;  God has placed us as sons, with all the rights, privileges and benefits and blessings that comes from being God's son; this includes an inheritance;

present [Eph 1:3;   and future [1 Pet. 1:3-4]

d. Think about it, what is said of us as believers,  that we're heirs of God,  never is it said of any angel, whether cherub or seraph that he is an heir of God.  We have a unique relationship we God!  [only comes through the unique person of the universe the God - Man Jesus Christ!]

e. If you think about what this all means, that your a born one of God, that your His son, that your one of His heirs it will put into perspective all the issues and cares of this life.


8. Failure by the husband to apply these 2 commands, that is to live together according to the standard of divine viewpoint and to show honor to her as a fellow heir will hinder his spiritual life as well as his relationship with his wife.