Study of First Peter Chapter 2                         Lesson 40



The thrust presented for us to follow in the footsteps of Christ.  (3 steps)

#1.  2:22  Avoidance of sin and deceit. Clean lives and lips.

#2.  2:23a  Avoidance of retaliation while being reviled or insulted.

#3.  2:23b  Complete commitment to God and His will while dealing with UNDSF.


2:23  Continues the example of Jesus Christ's handling of UNDSF

When you read through the gospels and focus your attention on the treatment that Christ received, that was heaped upon Him, primarily by the religious crowd all through His public ministry, it was extensive.

Who while being reviled, 


His reaction to this treatment is stated next;  He did not revile in return

- the natural response, or tendency by most of us when verbally attacked is to return the abuse, tit for tat. 


The next phrase adds to the details of the circumstances He was facing that are in view.

while suffering, He uttered no threats, 


The last phrase describes just how He was able to do this, the same way we are!

but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously;



- Under extreme pressure, suffering, both physical and verbal abuse He continued  to entrust Himself and His situation… to the Father.


to Him who judges righteously;   

- says the judging is according to a standard, what is right and just according to the standard of the integrity of God, +R/J.



1. Jesus Christ while under great physical and verbal abuse refrained from any retort.

- Some examples of the abuse He endured   Matt. 26:67; 27:30, 39-44

2. His mental attitude towards His oppressors is seen in Lk 23:34


3. He was totally committed to the will of God for Him.  This is seen in the garden when He prayed. Lk 22:42;  Mark 14:36


4. He endured undeserved suffering in His humanity in order to learn obedience to the will of God.  Heb 5:8


5. Some of the categories of UNDSF that Jesus Christ endured:

a. The normal CHP's of humanity

- hunger - Matt 21:18; 4:2

- thirst - John 4:7; 19:28

- tired/exhausted - John 4:6 

- all these demo that He was true humanity

b. Attack from the religious crowd, the Pharisees and Scribes Mk 7:1-23

- what bothered the religious crowd the most was that Christ and the disciples did not adhere to their additions and distortions of the M/L

- He did maintain complete adherence to the M/L.

c. Attack by Satan  Matt. 4:1-11  (unique to Jesus Christ)

- only way we as believers are attacked by Satan is by rejection of truth, DVPT putting the sin nature in rulership thereby opening our soul to the kosmos influence, human viewpoint, evil from Satan's counterfeits.

d. He was attacked verbally by demons, Mark 1:24

e. His greatest and unique adversity was the Cross where He will be separated from God/F while He was bearing our sins as we'll see in 1 Pet 2:24


6. Just as Christ committed Himself to the one who judges righteously according to a standard that is right and just we are to do the same.  1 Pet 4:19


2:24  Peter now shifts to Christ's unique sufferings on the Cross

and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross,


bore our sins    avnafe,rw  to bear up or away   

- the aorist tense takes us to the point of time of the cross, specifically the three hours of darkness when He was bearing our sins, being judged in our place  

in His body on the cross,  kjv tree; word is xulon  lit. wood  or anything made from wood; is used for the instrument of capitol punishment, the cross made of wood  - Peter uses it that way in Acts 5:30; 10:39; 13:29


The suffering endured as Christ bore our sins in His own body on the cross is the only efficacious suffering related to salvation. 


Next Peter details the glorious practical purpose behind Christ's suffering on the Cross.

so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; 



Christ's work on the cross separates us from the sin nature which produces personal sins when in rulership and provides us the means to live righteously, in the will of God, honoring Him in our life after salvation.

Rom 6:1-14


Point of truth!

When we live the Christian life, walking by the Spirit, walking worthy of our calling in Christ only then is the full purpose of the Cross realized.

Last phrase

for by His wounds you were healed. 


The same sequence related to healing and the cross is found in Isa 53:5.


The "healing" here is referring to God dealing with mankind's ultimate disease; one that we are incapable of dealing with on our own, no matter what we attempts to do.



The healing then focuses on all that God does for the individual the one believing in Christ, from forgiveness of sin to giving  him or her a new life in Christ; a whole new basis for living not  just now but for all eternity.



The same sequence related to healing and the cross is found in Isa 53:5.

There the thrust also is spiritual healing, the making of a new creation in Christ at Salvation, not physical healing.


Summary of 2:24

1. Christ bore our deserved suffering, that is, our sins of His own volition, choosing to fulfill the will of God being obedient even unto death.


2. The UNDSF of Christ, His spiritual death while being judged in our place, makes it possible for us to be free from both the penalty and power of sin and therefore to live for Him!


3. Being free from the penalty of sin is indicated here by being healed from the malady of spiritual death.


4. Being free from the power of sin in one's life is to make decisions necessary to consistently walk by the Spirit thereby maintaining the isolation of the sin nature.


5. To conquer the sin nature's attempts to rule one's life by choosing to continue walking by the Spirit indicates that we are living righteously.

- gives us the capacity to maintain our spiritual momentum in life as we live out the truths of the Word!