Study of First Peter Chapter 2                           Lesson 27




2:11-12 are introductory to a new section which details some practical applications of what it means to be God's people living in a hostile world.


Beloved, I urge you as aliens and strangers  VAgaphtoi,( 



I urge  parakale,w  exhort, urge, encourage the present active indicative says Peter is consistently exhorting them to a course of action


as aliens and strangers 

- aliens pa,roikoj  one who lives in a temporary residence - metaphorically, of a Christian whose real home is in heaven stranger, one who lives for awhile on earth


- strangers   parepi,dhmoj  temporary resident, sojourner, stranger;  used figuratively, of Christians as not counting this earth as their home 



If we are to live in this world and are to bring honor and glory to our Savior we must abstain from fleshly lusts   avpe,cw to hold back from, to abstain from



fleshly lusts  sarkiko,j  evpiqumi,a 



Peter recognizes how destructive that the sin nature is when he continues which wage war against the soul.



This warfare is  against the soul  kata. th/j yuch/j


Since Peter is addressing his exhortation to believers and by application to you and me it denotes our inner being as animated by the new life in Christ.



2:11 Beloved, I keep on exhorting you as aliens and foreigners to abstain from fleshly lusts which keep on waging war against the soul.


1.  Peter recognizes the reality that there are 2 types of believers. Pneumatikos types and sarkikos types.

- Pneumatikos = spiritual type

- sarkikos = fleshly type


2.  We know from our past studies that each of us will be both, (not at the same time) the issue is which is the dominant characteristic of the life. 

3.  Both are "in Christ" but one doesn't show it!

4.  We must come to gripes with the reality that we choose which state or status we are in as believers each day.


5.  We choose which is the ruler of life "the flesh" or "the spirit."  Romans 8:5 points this out.

- says we have a standard established upon which we base our choices

- its either kata the flesh or kata the spirit



6.  All response to external stimuli (5 senses) coming into our thinking, the brain computer, are translated into responsive action through the sin nature into either sin or human good [wrong motivation] on the one hand or through the indwelling Holy Spirit into righteousness (DGP) on the other hand. Rom 6:13,16


7.  Neither the indwelling sin nature or God the Holy Spirit can usurp authority over you apart from your choice, your volition's cooperation.

- Be warned!! Through alcohol abuse or drug abuse or any other mind altering substances you can and will render your volition impotent for a time.


8. Our distinctiveness as believers among our neighbors is that we don't cater to the lust pattern of our sin nature.


9. This distinctiveness is potential in our life, it is potential based on our positive volition to and application of truth under the empowering ministry of the Holy Spirit.


10. We must always be on guard because the sin nature is always standing ready seeking to regain the rulership or dominance of your life.


11. The antidote to the rulership of the Sin nature is given by Paul in Gal 5:16-17!







12. Must recognize that all individuals have a sin nature (flesh) and do so through out their life.


13. The 'fleshly lusts' is not a part of the soul but can influence all input to the soul for thinking and decision making when it rules.

-  the soul is invisible, immaterial but very real


14.  The flesh/sin nature is not eradicated or altered at the point of salvation;  but since we died to it, we are separated from its power and it no longer has to rule or dominate our life.


15.  Need to remember that both are resident in that they dwell in the body that is  the flesh and the Holy Spirit.


16. This opposition is continual and fixed in that the flesh's desires are set and the Holy Spirits desires and purposes are set.

17. Neither will change the other.

18. The Spirit is not seeking to change the flesh/sin nature, we're separated from its power but the Spirit does seek to influence the thinking, the mind  of the believer with the truth of the Word of God so that wise choices will be made.


19. The sin nature seeks to return to its dominate, rulership role so that its lust patterns can be realized through the body and therefore through the life of the believer.


20.  As we grow and mature in the Christian life we're not changing the sin nature, its not diminishing it in any way,  the flesh will always be the flesh seeking to express itself through the body in which it  resides.


21. The issue in life, our daily walk, goes back to some of the basic issues we noted in our study of volition, and that is, which are you going to choose to respond to, the Word and the Spirit or the desires of the flesh?  Which one influences your thinking and therefore the choices you make?  


22. The bottom line is that we as believers are not condemned to a life of servitude to the sin nature because the enabling power of the Holy Spirit has set us free from the ruling power of the sin nature.